I usually get 1 of 2 responses:
with people my age: an uncomfortable silence + topic change

with older people it’s: “be careful, he might be trying to scam you!”

I guess i could label anyone with these responses a racist and move on but i’m genuinely so curious? I’d expect to see overt racism in older generations but it makes no sense with the younger ones. It’s so irrational, i can’t wrap my head around it.

He and i are incredibly similar, I’m more like him than anyone else i know ironically; not just in superficial ways like hobbies and preferences, we understand the depths of eachothers thoughts and souls. I love him so incredibly. It’s so silly to me that people would be genuinely uncomfortable with my relationship with him, it actually makes me laugh, like i cannot fathom it. I feel like i must be making it up in my head

For example i mentioned to my \~20 yr old co-workers that he’s from India, I was met with an uncomfortable silence and one of the girls said “don’t worry,” and then went on to explain how her ex boyfriend was a pedophile. What?? are we comparing those things now??

Is this something i’m supposed to be ashamed of? It’s actually so absurd, I almost just want to isolate myself from the people around me because I cannot fathom how irrational they are, why can’t you see someone as human, like, genuinely human

I’d really like to know in the comments whether or not i’m overreading these remarks or just some sort of explanation for this

  1. I would love to know which country you’re in , cuz as an Indian I’m pretty shocked by these assumptions

  2. They’re just really racist and rude, so many ignorant people have no qualms about saying dumb shit like that because they see Asians as less-than. Try to ignore them. I don’t see the need in telling him tbh.

    Congrats on your upcoming nuptials 🙂 you sound very happy together.

  3. Might depend on the context??

    – Yes, and then Mickey and I were to the bar for a couple drinks, and guess whom did we meet there???

    – My boyfriend is indian

    – … okay…?

  4. Indian here and I’ve travelled to quiet a few places and I’ve dated women of different places too…..in my own experience, Eastern Europeans think their bias is a fact. Same goes with most Midwest Americans of the previous generation. French are rude to their own kids so who cares, Brits still think east India company owns India lol. Eastern part of the US is pretty chill so is Cali.

    In short, your pals need to see the world and stop building opinions based on Fox News basically.

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