What are masculine qualities/traits men should possess more of in today’s current times?

  1. This quote from Socrates:

    ***“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”***

    I don’t care if you’re stick skinny or severely obese. As long as you have testosterone fueling through your body, you have no excuse for why you can’t physically transform yourself.

    If you improve you body, you will reap the following benefits:

    * Greater self-confidence
    * Greater attraction to opposite sex
    * Greater physical strength to lift heavy things
    * Greater self-discipline and work ethic

    And more.

  2. Not being a gatekeeping prick and and abrasive twat with their hobbies and interests. That just would be fucking fantastic.

  3. Here’s a hodge podge of things that are positive aspects of a “modern man” to me

    * good hygiene
    * understand how to use basic hand tools (you don’t need to be a carpenter, but you should know the difference between a phillip’s head and a flat head, a hammer and a wrench, etc)
    * Stay calm in a crisis
    * readily admit mistakes, along with how you will adjust behavior to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes again.
    * Protect others when you can
    * Stand up for those who are less fortunate
    * never “punch down”

  4. I don’t really think these are masculine but, holding yourself accountable and thinking things through.

  5. I tell my daughters

    being a strong man includes being kind.

    There’s nothing weak

    about kindness and compassion.

    There’s nothing weak about

    looking out for others.

    There’s nothing weak about being honorable.

    You’re not a sucker to have integrity

    and to treat others with respect

    -Barack Obama at Elijah Cummings funeral

  6. Taking responsibility for their own actions.

    Caring for others. There’s far too many selfish men in the world today. It takes strength, patience, and empathy to care for someone other than yourself and many men today simply lack those qualities.

    Too many men today are men of words and not men of action. I’m not saying action as in doing crazy things I’m just saying too many men dream or talk rather than standing up and getting shit done for themselves and for others.

  7. Stand your ground! Be kind but dont be a doormat! Dont hesitate to tell someone to go to hell.

  8. The ability to stand firm on your decisions and not be persuaded by others to change your mind.

  9. Physical and mental strength, assertiveness, leadership, stoicism, not being ruled by their emotions , a healthy dose of male chauvinism and Purpose Driven, just to name a few

  10. The absolute ability to let those things that don’t matter TRULY slide.

    Too many guys worry about shit they can’t control.

    Also, stop fucking stalking your ex, she left your stupid ass, meet someone else.

  11. Discipline and a focus on family and your immediate community when helping people.

    Discipline because it is broadly helpful, from exercise to mental development.

    Focus on your family and your immediate community because that’s what makes life livable. Putting all your energy into caring about people in Ukraine or even people on the other side of the country from you is a waste and you’ll just diminish the energy and resources you could be devoting to the people around you.

  12. If you say something you say you can do, you should back it up.

    Be it physical, mental or technical.

    And if you do take on more then you can, reach out and learn or take it as a solo experience and learn from it

  13. I think you are missing some of your question. The same masculine things have “attracted “ the opposite sex for quite a while and that isn’t changing. But in todays world, “hunting and gathering” is for money and not for food. So you need to be the physical specimen AND be able to “hunt and gather” as much money as you can.

    But as far as “masculinity” it’s the same as it’s always been. We just hunt different things now.

  14. More men should be empathetic and emotional. Cry more at art that moves you, genuinely tell people you’re worried about them, or that you love them. Even if they aren’t family or loved ones. Touch them, hug people more. Stop viewing things as competition, bring back comradeship.

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