Mine is probably a watch i got after my grandfætter died. What is yours?

  1. My autograph collection of 30 years. Been collecting autographs and meeting celebrities since 1992. Met 360+ of them over the years.

  2. The M1A clone I got and do competitions with, also the the deer head of the biggest buck I killed with a flintlock I built.

  3. A wooden airplane an old man and I made when I was 5. He got me started in traditional woodworking when I was older and taught me a great portion of what I know.

  4. A photograph of my mother holding me when I was a baby. I’ve got it framed and kept it for the last ten years, since she died. I’d never let anything happen to it.

  5. Kinda silly since I’m almost 30 but, a teddy bear I got when I was a child from my mother. I don’t sleep with it, I just keep it in my closet. It means so much more to me now that she’s gone.

  6. A lot of traditional things don’t really hold sentimental value for me. The one thing I would probably say, is when my wife and I were dating, she was flat broke – I mean really broke. She really wanted to get me something for my birthday, and I know she would have spent every penny that she had on me, which of course I didn’t want. I just asked her to write me a letter, so she did. It is handwritten, on two pages of notebook paper. I have had it for almost two decades now.

  7. Probably the scarf that belonged to my grear grandfather. If not that then either my dog or my online friends, they the best things to happen to me in the last year

  8. A ring I got from my dad my first year in the state I live in. I wear it everywhere.

  9. Guitars and my bike. They both help me turn off my brain and just flow and embrace what comes next without trying to control.

  10. The vinyl I still have rn. Best 2 are prob original us the wall and stadium arcadium

  11. It’s a ville i wear around my neck of what my family’s like to call lucifers tear

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