I suffer from social anxiety and confrontation problems that I’ve been working on by volonteerely exposing myself to conflict and being more assertive
But I have been having some difficulties with people who just won’t admit to what they’re doing , for example
In college dorms , there were a couple of girls in the next floor of mine outside their rooms talking and laughing very loudly so I went up to them and explained to them politely that they were too loud and I was disrupting my sleep but they instantly denied it said they were not loud , continued talking and ignored my attempt to have a conversation , I didn’t know what to do with that so I just left
How should I have handled it ?
Any advice on how to handle similar situations ?

1 comment
  1. I mean its not really up to Them if theyre being too loud. Next time say something like, “regardless of if you think youre being loud, you are disturbing me and I’m trying to sleep/whatever). Maybe even record them from your room (with video so they can see where you are in the room and how loud they are even when youre not right by the door).

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