I work in a corporate company. I have crush on one of my colleague from past 3 months. At start I thought its just like amy other crush it will go away soon but recently I started noticing her more and more wanting to spend time with her and get to know her more all I do is look at her spontaneously. I just wanna be with her and learn about her.
The problem is we only had eye contacts and never even talked with each other.
I wanna confess directly to her and no playing friend friend buddy buddy cuz its a waste of time. i have a tunnel vision that i want her and know more about her.

I thought of a confession
It will go like
Go to her workstation,
Ask for her notepad.
Write down on a page
Hey I like you,
Wanna grab a cup of coffee sometime or the drink of your choice.
And give her options to choose like
Flat no
If choosen no
Please provide feedback
Don’t know what she will say as we haven’t even spoken for once.

Help me. I’m desparate and living in agony.
Tell me what should i do i want her.
Don’t tell me to be friends with her cuz that’s not what i want to have the courage to wait that long.

1 comment
  1. Your have already put this women on pedestal. You need to row back a bit

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