Hi everyone. I (26F) am very shy and introverted and kind of awkward. Most of my friends have drifted away from me, and/or moved out of town. I spend most of my time with my boyfriend who I live with, or my family. I am usually totally fine with this, although sometimes I do feel like I need to branch out and meet some new people. I have a lot of mutuals on instagram, and people who I would consider “insta-friends”, but whom I’ve never hung out with or even met in person, but many live in my town. Does anyone have experience with this manner of making friends? Is it weird to ask people you only know online to hang out in real life? Will they feel awkward and uncomfortable? How do you meet a new friend in person without it feeling like a first date? How do you keep friendships like this going? Thank you so much for any insights.

  1. It isn’t weird if you want to really make new friends just text them to meet somewhere and gradually everything will fall in place talk about their stories posts etc

  2. It’s completely okay to ask if they wanna hang out, but I would not do that out of the blue, like asking them right away. Follow them first and see if you have things in common, genuinely interact with their posts/stories if that’s fine with your of course, getting to know them beforehand would help a lot

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