1) Don’t try and imitate anyone or anything. We usually cringe at people because they fail to pull of authentic imitations and what this represents to us is that the person is seeking external approval because they don’t have their own approval.

E.g. I make a joke that I read online just to impress a girl. I didn’t find the joke funny but I used it because I was trying to show the girl I was funny. It wasn’t authentically produced but just cringe.

Essentially, the best way to stop being cringe, is to be yourself, if you have weaknesses, acknowledge them and move on. Forcing yourself to be something your not shows your own inadequacies and makes people cringe

Basically, never try and force an impression of yourself as a nice guy, tough guy etc to other people, the only impression you should have is an authentic one where you act without caring about peoples judgements.

Please share your insight, I’m trying to stop being cringe and found this help

  1. I think it’s horrible the younger generation is using “cringe” as a personality trait. Forcing yourself to be something you’re not shows you still need to learn about yourself, which takes a lot of time, maybe even a lifetime and that’s okay. It does not show your inadequacies, you are juman and we are complex. It’s inevitable we pick up our traits and quirks from other people, just like a new born baby. Yes, you should force yourself to be something you are not but everyone goes through it.

  2. It seems like you’re on the right path already. To comment on the example you gave, of course you’re not going to tell a joke you don’t find funny in an authentic way, you wouldn’t recommend something you don’t personally like would you? Stick to your own humour, tell the jokes you like, just be yourself as you already said.

  3. I think this comes down to a judgemental issue, its okay to be cringe, but honestly when you think about it the people that are making you cringe are just trying to be funny or attract friends, they’re just doing it in a different way than most people are used to, don’t kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that judges the cringe, own upto it and you will be more comfortable with yourself and less judgemental of others, practice empathy, by you judging yourself, that puts more pressure on you to be your natural self but then you could slip and lose what you know about who you are, so its very counterproductive

  4. I think the answer is to with time accept the cringe. Its all good. This is what I do anyway because I cant change it or remove it by any chance. People love my goof/cringe most of the time anyways

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