Is it a song? A place? A sight or sound? A random memory?

  1. Vanilla body oil. Not the one who got away but one of my high-school heartbreaks.

  2. Family Guy. We used to sit and watch reruns together for hours. Didn’t occur to me that she wanted to be more than just a friend until her reaction when I told her I was moving.

  3. When I meet a deaf girl – I spent a summer with a deaf girl when I was a lot younger, but she was so awesome and I liked her so much I consider her my first love. We would ride our bikes together around the neighborhood and go hide in the woods together or go swimming and just enjoy each other’s time. This was before cell phones so I had no way to stay in touch with her and I didn’t know she was heading back home until she stopped by my place to say “bye” and gave me a hug and kiss… that was the first time I ever experienced a broken heart that I can remember. I still think about it all these years later.

  4. Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry. That was our song for those nights where we were together, but not “together” because reasons.

  5. Thinking about college. It wasn’t a one that got away, but several ones. Lots of great girls who were clearly into me in hindsight that I was too unconfident to shoot my shot with. You just don’t meet women of that quality often in your adult life, so those missed chances from the college days hurt so much.

  6. It used to be a song. Hey There Delilah.
    I had a YouTube comment on the music video for it that I would edit that chronicled a year of my life and desire to be with her that had a few thousand thumbs up. It ended with a confession that I would find her again.

    I’m with her now and that makes me smile every day.

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