I’ve known some of these people for almost a decade, but it feels like I’ve grown up and they haven’t. I can think of one person in the group who I actually enjoy interacting with, but everyone else irritates me.

I feel like such an asshole saying and feeling this way, but every subject with them I just don’t care about. “I don’t care about video games I don’t care about characters in them that you find sexy, and I’m uncomfortable discussing sexual topics please stop talking to me. ” are all phrases I keep repeating over and over in my head whenever we talk. And the stuff that I care about and like to talk about just involve either them feeling attacked, because I have issues with tone and sometimes I get mad at them, or, almost worse, nobody responds at all, or they just change the subject. I know I’m probably in the wrong, or I should just gradually cut contact with most of them, but these are the only people I know, and I’ve had issues keep me from going back to school, or keeping a job, which are the places I assume you most often meet new people.

I’m at a loss for what I should do.

  1. For some of topic like this i sometimes think it’s a troll topic… You should know thst it is completely normal that all of us change over time, change our interests, beliefs etc. and it is completely normal to change our friends over time because of that… In 20’s we have lot of friends, in 30’s 2-3(if we are lucky)… So cut all frienships that is not good for you, and try to find new friend with same or similar interests… You can find them by the sharing your interests in many ways and places…

  2. I definitely feel this way with a lot of people in groups that I’m in.

    I also find that the people who share my views more are substantially older than me, which introduces further issues of it’s own

  3. Sounds like those people are weird af if they’re always talking about video game characters and which of them they find sexy. Pick up a new hobby, join a class of some sort, start hanging with other friends you might have.

    I’ve definitely been in similar situations where I knew we just weren’t on the same wavelength or didn’t have the same general goals or something and you just gotta cut them loose. You don’t need to be mean and shun them forever, but to find ppl/do things that make you feel like you belong there.

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