What’s the longest you kept dating someone that you knew you didn’t want anything serious? And if you did, why?

  1. Pssssh I wish. Always the opposite way.

    I was going on dates/seeing/ special friends with a chick for a year. Sex was meh but hanging out was fun. Great times. Then she met someone. Sad to see her go. Even more sad bc it was at the beginning of Covid. So I was alone. Just me and my meat beater

  2. We were living together and I couldn’t afford to move out.

    She had cheated multiple times and couldn’t be trusted, but kept asking when we were gonna get engaged, etc.

    The answer was the 31st of February, but if I told her that SHE would have left and again I would have basically been homeless so I always told her I was thinking about it.

  3. 4 years and I went along with it since her family and mine wanted it. It was okay, more of a roommate than a girlfriend.

    She ended up cheating and all I thought was “thank god.”

  4. Ex gf, we dated for over 2 years, only was into her for about half that. We were heavy into the lifestyle atnd it was fun. She could fuck other guys and it didnt bug me in the least. Plus a couple we played with I had great chemistry with the guys wife. It actually worked out really good for both of us until she started wanting more.

  5. About 3 months. My gf at that time was going through a bad time with her study and her family. I didn’t want it piling up so i dated her for awhile more till things settled down then broke up

  6. 4.5 years total. 3 years where I knew I didn’t want it but convinced myself that I did. I would not recommend it. I think the reason I stayed was because I’m stubborn and I was lying to myself that I could see a future with this person. Again, I don’t recommend it, be honest with yourself.

  7. 3 months.

    She was on holiday from the states and her husband. She needed a place to stay and traded bedroom favors.

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