I deleted all my social media apps: Facebook, Messenger anything that can cut my contact with my boyfriend. We already had a discussion about something similar to what’s happening right now. I told him that whenever I’m on my period he shouldn’t mention any female or any interaction with a ‘she’ to me because it makes me feel irritated or annoyed and he agreed to it. This was the second time that he broked that agreement of ours, what should I do?

  1. Get a therapy for yourself and leave him. Fix yourself, wait a bit and have a healthy relationship not with the douche bag.

  2. >I told him that whenever I’m on my period he shouldn’t mention any female or any interaction with a ‘she’ to me because it makes me feel irritated or annoyed and he agreed to it.

    yikes. you’re making your boyfriend pretend not to know *any women* for a chunk of time every single month instead of dealing with your shit. this is a truly impressive level of emotional displacement, and if your boyfriend has any common sense it is likely to get you dumped.

    why does him talking to anyone with characteristics shared by just over half of the world’s population make you so unhappy? what bad thing do you think this will cause?

  3. What you are asking your boyfriend to do is not fair to him or healthy for either of you. If you can’t bear the thought of him having a normal life that’s a serious red flag for abuse.

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