I’m currently in my first ever relationship and recently started having sex for the first time in my life. I’m head over heels in love with the guy and he obviously knows what he’s doing because the sex is amazing, even the first time. I had no idea I’d enjoy it that much. However, i can’t cum. Like not even close. When we started dating i began gradually quitting SSRI (after one year of medication) and explained to him that i probably won’t be able to orgasm because of the meds. I’ve been completely off the pills for a couple weeks now and still nothing. I’m horny like all the time. But it feels like my body is unable to cum. He can be down there eating me out/ fingering me for half an hour and it feels amazing and builds up kinda and the poof — gone. To be honest, I’m not that bothered by it, because i still enjoy the fuck out of the process, but he feels like shit because of it and thinks he’s the problem, when it’s obviously me.

I think it’s important to mention that before antidepressants i orgasmed like 2-3 times (in my whole life) and all of those were during sleep. I never felt much when masturbating and quickly lost interest in it. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me. Anorgasmia? Some sort of mental block? Any advice would be awesome

1 comment
  1. Have you tried masturbating on your own?

    Have you tried “taking control” of the situation a bit more, e.g. grinding on him/similar?

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