
Got dumped 5 months ago, 6 years relationship. I’m a 32 male.
First few months I went hard in therapy and self improvement. Still doing this. Im a different person now. But I feel like I miss having someone around to share life with. So I got a dating app.

When I speak to people, It’s fun, gives me loads of confidence but it also takes away my confidence just as quick. I feel like I get a bit too attached with hopes for certain profiles which is silly… is this a sign that I’m not ready for this shit? Every interesting match start off as fun but as I spend more time chatting with them I just feel overwhelmed, or if I get ghosted I kinda get a little sad lol.
Maybe I need to just be alone a few more months. Idk just wanted to get some input here.

  1. Learn to trust your gut vs being self disparaging. You’ll know when someone is into you and you’ll anticipate ghosts.
    Be the man you would wanna date and enjoy dating.
    Burn out in the process is common and it’s not a fault of the dating apps. Get off them and you can always come back.
    Take this process as an opportunity to discover what your thinking process is like and evaluate if you’re perhaps cornering yourself in any social construct. For example, limiting your self-expression, or not participating out of anxiety.
    By all means, NEVER slam doors tight because they’re being stupid or you’re feeling frustrated.
    Most importantly, cultivate yourself, the bees will come for the honey 😉

  2. Dating apps are just ruined,People don’t go on there looking for genuine relationships. You’re probably ready,but you’re looking in the wrong place.

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