I’ve met some good friends through snap and have a few Ive met from irl. I’ve wanted to get more friends and meet people preferably without having to go in-person and cold approach people until I’ve texted them and gotten to know them.

I’ve used snap and quick add as a way to vet ppl before i meet them to see if i want to be friends with them and to break the ice instead of approaching people out of nowhere and looking like a creep.

Im just wondering since most people i pick up from quick add on snapchat arent even near me locally so im trying to think of another solution.

  1. Quite honestly i think it’s weird when random people add me on snapchat. It just makes you seem like you have no life and are desperate. Maybe that’s just my opinion because i’m a woman and mostly it’s guys trying to get a date who this so it’s creepy, but i personallh don’t like it

  2. No, especially if you don’t intend to meet face to face at some point. The cold hard truth is you cannot connect with somebody behind a screen. What you have to realize is people actually value and favor in person interactions. They represent your true social skills.

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