My boyfriend(20m) and I(20m) are approaching our one year next month. It doesnt really feel like its been that long, but the realization is starting to hit. This past year has been completely long distance with monthly airplane rides back and forth. He is the absolute most amazing man Ive ever met, he is so sweet and kind, and surprises me all the time with his growth and personality. Sometimes, I feel like he really is the one. I cant speak negatively about him at all.
Yet, I feel trapped. I am incredibly young, and airplane tickets are not cheap. I recently just landed a full time job I really enjoy, but trying to balance a job, life itself, and a long distance relationship is incredibly hard. Im trying to start college soon, and hes talking about moving in NEXT YEAR. I dont want to go through another year of only seeing him once every month, or sometimes longer. It also becomes a sticky situation where hes not very ambitious in life, and I have a lot of personal goals . I feel like I cant make any big life decisions for myself without him here, because it would get in the way of how often I speak to him.
I miss him a lot.
Its starting to really depress me. Right person, but wrong time

How do I go about this? I feel like I cant keep up with it any longer

Tldr: long distance relationship is good but i hate edating

  1. Long distance is torture… If his lack of ambition is a negative factor its one that should be considered when thinking about the future. It seems like you really like him though.

  2. I hate ultimatums. This is the rare occasion where it might actually work. Tell him you’re taking a break for a year if he doesn’t move in within a month or two. Say it nicely though.

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