We’ve been together 3 years, married for 1. We got accidentally pregnant a month after getting engaged (we’d thought we were going to be childfree) We love our little guy, but he hasn’t been an easy baby. Husband and I disagree on parenting methods more and more lately. Sex is almost non-existant. I feel resentful at the amount of homemaker/childcare responsibilities and feel like I’m taking care of the house, baby AND my husband! I wish it was more equitable and I didn’t have to tell my husband what to do/how to help. At times I feel I’d be better off on my own; at least I’d only be responsible for myself and baby and wouldn’t have to look after him too. My family helps us whereas his family is more handsoff. Is this just a phase new parents go through? Any advice?

  1. There are so many deadbeat dads, it’s infuriating.

    See a marriage counselor. I think it would be helpful.

  2. This is absolutely the transition most of us go through, yes.


    – Stop doing things that make you feel resentful. If he is a messier person than you, you need to find ways to make peace with it.

    – Take an honest and non-self-justifying accounting of who does what financially and domestically. Have regular, non-judgmental discussions about it. Do a lot of reflective listening (“It sounds like…”, “I’m hearing…”).

  3. No good advice here as a lot of the time it’s the same at my house. Your not alone.

  4. Well he won’t know of you dont tell him. If he never had to do something he wouldnt know or feel to do it. Its like expecting an lion to eat grass when they never did. Create good habits not bad

  5. You are going to have to be talk to him about this. Explain what you need the way you explained it here. Hopefully he grows up a bit and can become a better partner.

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