What is something women really like about men?

  1. WTF are you asking men?

    Edit: Apparently because you can’t ask on

    Edit: @emilywking on TikTok is a pretty good source.

  2. Their voice? I’ve had a lot of women tell me they like my voice even though we all cringe when we hear our own.

  3. I dont know, but I do know my old magic the gathering cards never won any of the ladies over.

  4. I love men because they’re simple creatures, have funny/interesting perspectives on things, and they’re very wholesome without meaning to be. Also love the male form. It’s easy to befriend them and win them over because they aren’t used to people being nice and genuinely caring for them. Which is sad but certainly adds to their sweetness. Men just seem to have more personality to me, more courage, convictions they really believe in. Women are often wishy washy, too agreeable, yet also have this basic jealousy with other women where you can pretty much never be real friends without her eventually trying to sabotage you in some way. Unfortunately men end up thinking you like them so can’t be friends with them either.

  5. Woman here, I like that I feel safe, protected, and cared for. All men don’t make me feel this way, just my husband.

  6. They way they make them feel. Secure relaxed laughing etc

    All the same things you like just with different body parts

  7. Thoughtfulness:

    When we are away and we check into a hotel, I always have a bouquet of flowers waiting for her in the room.

    When an appetizer we’re sharing is served, I always put the first couple of helpings on her plate first.

    Planning things. Doesn’t have to be complicated. Just coming home and saying “let’s go. we’re going to that steak house that has the dessert you like.”

    If we’re going out, asking her to wear some article of clothing or shoes that you like seeing on her.

    Spontaneous travel. Doesn’t always have to be air travel. Pack a few things and hop in the car and go wherever for the weekend.

  8. – you’re interesting. Men being boring is the number one reason they struggle with girls
    – muscular forearms
    – passion
    – ambition
    – an exciting life
    – knowing how to be romantic

  9. My wife said my sense of humor and how much I made her laugh is what made her fall in love with me.

  10. Muscles / the male body
    Humor / silliness
    Protective, caring nature
    Problem solving skills (I like watching men work / fix things)
    The list goes on and on. There’s lot to like about kind, emotionally secure men 🙂

  11. I was always under the impression women really didn’t like men. They simply tolerate them.

  12. According to a bunch of other guys apparently my shoulder length curly hair. Never once has a girl said anything to me about it but so many friends and family keep saying that girls must love it. One of my friends literally has said “if I had your hair I’d be getting laid every week”. So there’s that I guess.

  13. Im a woman but I like the feeling im being cared for and i LOVE patience in men

  14. My wife of over 33 years likes that I can fix most everything! And that I am not afraid to call for help (plumber etc.) if I need it!

    Just today I fixed a riding lawn mower that did not start: Battery, new carburetor – to replace the fuel shut off solenoid!

  15. Financial security, attractiveness, emotional security/support, grounded to reality, goals, and capabilities in love making.

  16. How huggable their chest and shoulders are.

    Their smell.

    A beard 😍

    But the most important thing: How safe we feel with him.

  17. I like it when men have eye contact with me while talking. It’s all about the eyes…

  18. woman here.


    how hard their bodies are (not meant in a dirty way).

    their openness and simplicity–women are much more internal emotionally and less direct.

    their balance of masculinity and gentleness. it’s so sweet.

    just kind of their presence. how big they are, how they make me feel safe.

  19. These are the things I like in men I date.

    Smart, generous, patience and caring.

    When I say generous I mean truly generous. As in giving something with no expectations from the receiver. Not I’ll pretend to be generous but then Bring it up when I want something from you later.

    Seeing a manly man being so delicate with an animal or baby/ young child.

    Confidence, aspirations, passions, drive

    Can think on the fly and take charge of a situation that’s gone awry… and turn it into a positive experience.

    Making sure I’m included in conversation. Whether that is at a social work function, a family gathering or hang out with the boys… he clues me in on the inside jokes or situations/ comments so I’m not there only as arm candy.

    Understands the delicate dance between stepping in and letting me do it on my own.

    Nuzzling in the crook of their arm.

    Forearms, triceps, calves, hands, eyes, Apollo dimples, where the neck meets your shoulder

    Personal style. But not perfected so it gives the opportunity to step in and add a my own little extra touch.

    5 o’clock shadow

    When men get really excited to show you something… especially if it’s something simple like a cool rock they found or the longest nose hair they ever plucked. (Lol. Ok maybe not the nose hair but you get it)

    Understanding that they are in control of the sexual experience. Women choose who they fuck men choose how they fuck. I always say what separates the men from the boys in the bedroom is that boys will penetrate her when she gives her first simple yes. A man knows he is going to get laid and instead waits to make her drip with desire for him and only when she is on the verge of begging does he penetrate.


    I always take inventory of the skills they would bring to the table incase of a zombie apocalypse or war.

    Being proactive with good executive functioning. (You don’t know how many men fail this one)

    Caring about your own health as well as my health (but without overly caring about my health)

    When you come to me with affection without the expectation of sex. Hug me while I wash the dishes makes me melt. Hug me with an erection pressed against me while I wash the dishes even hotter… but leave it at that. No need to escalate to kitchen floor sex. Sometimes we just need to know that you think we are hot without being expected to put out. Subtlety letting me know though out the day that you desire me makes me 1000xs more likely to want to jump on you at bed time and makes me feel more sexually confident which typically equals hotter sex.

    I know I might be in the minority but I like penises and hairless balls. And I don’t mean only mega huge donkey dicks. Small ones, long ones, fat ones, skinny ones, cut or uncut, growers and show-ers. They all have beauty.

  20. 36 f here. Kindness and integrity. Being able to selfreflect and be honest. Being gentle and respectful to every living thing.

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