everytime i masturbate and i’m coming, my orgasms last only for like 5 seconds and then its over and i dont feel anything anymore and i cannot even fully relax/enjoy the “after”-feeling. does anyone have tips for me to make my orgasms last longer (idk what the normal time is), somewhere around 10 seconds or smth?

  1. Gotta train yourself.

    Do lots of edging and longer sessions with yourself. When you get past the point of no return, try to breathe, relax, and not tense up. Keep at yourself though.

    When things involuntarily contract, intentionally flex your pelvic floor (the same muscles that are already contracting) but remember to breathe. Do your best to keep the muscles tight and flexed. Each time they relax / spasm, clamp them down again.

    I can usually manage climaxes that last between 10 and 20 seconds. Every now and then I’ll be graced with multiple chained climaxes which hugely extends the duration. My record so far is 4 back-to-back that lasted upwards of a minute. Factually collapsed after that one. Doubles happen somewhat regularly and are quite fun.

    EDIT: I’m a guy and I’ve no idea if this would work for women.

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