I’m a 5’6 guy and always get hated on for my height by women that are shorter than me. More specifically women that are like 5’3 and under. I even have a few friends that are average like 5’8 to 5’11 and they tell me they get told they are too short by women 4’11 – 5’3. It’s so weird.

  1. Maybe they feel small and want to feel protected by a larger guy. Who knows man it’s just height. In the end of the day it doesn’t matter.

  2. Never understood why men get so fixated on how tall the woman is as soon she shows any height preferences. As if her height is supposed to somehow dictate what she is and isn’t allowed to like.

  3. As a 5’6 who gets rejected by my height it’s def annoying af. Tall women don’t get many options as most tall men like short woman(in my experience).

  4. As someone who’s 5′ 2″ I feel massive beside other short people 😂 I don’t know is it just a perspective thing but I don’t really notice when people are taller than me when talking to them, probably just because that eyelevel is what I’m accustomed to. So when someone close to my height comes along I feel like an actual giant beside them 😂

  5. It’s not just short women, most women care about a man’s height. It’s a sign of masculinity. The same way women are attracted to deep voices or athletic build. I do think that it is strange when extremely short women (5’2 and under) want very tall men. I’m 6’3 and I could never be with a woman under 5’5 minimum. It’s inconvenient and awkward.

  6. I am 5’4 and dont really care about height as I have dated men from 5’6 to 6’4. My boyfriend now is 5’11 and i think he is tall. But if i can take a guess, tall women experience the same as short men (some Men not liking them as they have bruised egos being taller or the same height as their girl) so they are more understanding of the struggle, hence why only shorter ones are demanding. Taller ones also probably havd less options because of these same fragile ego men so to increases their options they become ok with it.

  7. By the time we’re 20 or so, most tall women have gotten past any height insecurities whether about ourselves or about our partner.

  8. I’m 6’5″ and like to think fairly built, but I love girls that are like 4’8″, brown, and like 200LBS.

  9. I’m a 6’2″ guy, and I agree with you on the most part. Short women have a thing for me. And taller women that are very close to or are my height or taller (which is a rarity but does happen) aren’t usually interested. I know it’s anecdotal, but this has been my experience.

    Tbh, I’m more attracted to shorter women anyway, so it works out. But I can definitely see how shorter than average men would be annoyed by short women who pass them over.

  10. I’m a 5ft woman. I don’t care about men’s height. Practically everyone is taller than me.

  11. Maybe they’re into some bar chart roleplay? It never made sense to me but you wouldn’t want someone who has preferences like that anyway

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