Two weeks ago I was visiting a friend who lives far away. I feel super relaxed with them and we always have fun. This time, for a lot of reasons, seeing each other felt more intense and on the last day of my visit we hooked up.

And now I’m horny and frustrated because I really wanna fuck them again and I know the feeling is mutual but logistically that just won’t be possible in the next few months and I’m not really into sexting. And it sucks bc never in my life have I found so perfect a candidate for a fwb, so to speak. There is a chance that the distance will close at some point in the future but I don’t know when and I don’t want (and won’t allow) me being thirsty to be the driver of that move 😅

So as a result I can’t stop thinking about it and masturbating to that memory and am generally acting like a horny teenager with a severe case of fomo. I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to alleviate this, since I can’t really will myself to not think about it and I don’t have anyone else I want to have sex with (I don’t find sex with non-friends particularly rewarding but don’t have any other friends I’m sexually attracted to atm).

Looking to hear from people who have been in this situation – what has helped you?

1 comment
  1. I almost destroyed my life in a similar situation. Keep rubbing one on the memory.

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