So I’ve known this guy for like 1.5-2 years. We went out a bit like a year ago. Anyway, he’s in a serious relationship, yet he always hits me up. He said he thinks about me a lot. We send nudes. I am not doing anything serious with my dating life at the moment, so I think it’s okay for me. Is he cheating? I did send nudes to him, and my ex found out and called me a miserable cheater.

  1. Why wouldn’t this be considered cheating? Would you be fine with your partner sexting other women?

  2. I worry about these types of questions. What types of morals do people guide themselves with these days?

  3. Yes. Unless him and his girlfriend have an open relationship or she’s aware it’s cheating.
    Sexting, sending nudes, intimate sexual talks. All of it cheating. You are behaving as the other woman

  4. You commented that it’s just your phone and not real.

    It is real. It’s a real person behind that screen. It’s your real body your sending images of and his real body your veiwing (a body that if he’s monogamous he’s promised is only hers to view). She’s a real person, who will feel real pain when she finds out. She’s a real person with real emotions. This isn’t just online. You also used to date him, you have a history together and that will make it even more devastating.

    Would you not feel hurt if someone you were monogamously dating actively sought out, flirted with, and sent nude pictures back and forth with another woman that he was friends with? Even worse an EX? Wouldn’t you feel lied to because he told you that you were the only one? Wouldn’t you feel betrayed because it was proof that he wanted/desired another woman he knew? It doesn’t matter what state he’s in. It won’t hurt her less. It won’t be less of a betrayal.

    He is cheating on his girlfriend and YOU are an unremorseful sounding other woman because you KNOW he’s taken. On some level by posting this you KNOW it’s wrong.

  5. Do you even need to ask? Sometimes I think I’m clueless and then I see stuff like this

  6. Yes, he is cheating. And yes, you are cheating with him. Just because YOU are not in a relationship, does not mean it’s morally okay to engage with phone sex with some who is. From my perspective, you are also morally in the wrong. Unless the guy is in an open relationship and his girlfriend is aware and okay with him doing this – but I’m guessing that’s not the case since it would probably be in your post.

  7. What a world we’re living in.

    We still have so much to evolve.

    Please quit it, otherwise the hurt for both parties will be tremendous!

  8. Anything intimate shared with anyone other than your partner is cheating.

  9. I’ve always wondered about this. Sometimes it can happen impromptu with another person almost like an audio one night stand. But in theory if no physical sex occurred I would think it’s not a thing unless a person dwells on it as a thing.

  10. Also consider telling her. If he’s cheating with you, your likely not the only one he’s cheating with and she doesn’t deserve that.

    I’d find her on social and just text her. She’s GOING to hate you. He will also but it would be the right thing to do. Something simple like “I’m so sorry I’ve done this to you, I didn’t even think to question if you had some sort of open arrangement but I’ve realized I never asked and this isn’t right of me. I don’t expect forgiveness. I just don’t want to risk you being with someone unloyal. Ive blocked him. Im not here to take him. Im sorry.” and send a screenshot. Try and catch a screenshot or two that makes it CLEAR the situation. If he’s the one who instigate these talks or pictures you want a photo of that. If you instigate she’s likely to be even more angry but showing he’s super receptive also works.

    Wouldnt you want to know if your partner in the future is unloyal?

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