What are you doing to support men’s mental health?

  1. When I talk to guys who are going through stuff, whether it’s online or irl, I tell them it’s ok to seek help. That it’s ok to feel like this and that they do not need to “man up”. Not matter what society says.

  2. I ask my mates if they’re okay and really mean it.

    I also make a twat of myself regularly so there is no judgement here

  3. I tell my boys I love them on the reg. I mean it and so do they. That helps

  4. …I am going to therapy? I am open to talking with my friends, and have in the past.

    This is a really weird framing, as if I alone am responsible for the burdens of all of mens mental health.

  5. I get on a stage and publically talk about my mental health to large groups of strangers. I also spoke at SL,UTwalk 2018 on behalf of male survivors of sexual assault to help bring light to that and normalize that discussion. I did a talk that can be seen on [TED.com](https://www.ted.com/talks/collin_williams_how_joking_about_suicide_can_save_someone_s_life) . So hopefully that’s helping destigmatize men discussing mental health issues.

    On a 1-1 I direct people to local mental health resources like Behavioral Access Centers as an alternative to ER psych visits. I personally educate and advocate for increased use of prescription Ketamine for mental health since it’s the number 1 drug for decreasing suicidality and helping treatment resistant depression.

    And on a personal level I make sure to respect my personal limits and not push myself into psychosis. I take my prescriptions and explore new treatment options to continually get better. I go to therapy (currently 2x weekly) and am actually honest and open to help with the healing. And most importantly I’m honest about how I’m doing with the people that care about me so they can know when they do and don’t need to actually worry and so that I know I have support when I really need it.

    So I’m not doing everything perfect. But I’m trying my best.

  6. Nothing. We are all on our own. Nothing matters. Mental health is just a buzzword for worker bee keep working and don’t question why.

  7. Nothing, taking care of myself and willing to listen. Not talk because I don’t know anything about rape/molestation/physically abusive parents.

  8. Nothing anymore. I used to try and spread knowledge and be emotionally available, but not even men give a fuck anymore haha. If you don’t believe me, go and talk to any guy about your own mental health and watch them tune the fuck out

  9. Woman here – the same thing I do for women: absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Confess your troubles to me and I’ll provide a shoulder or advice, depending on what you need, and your secrets are locked in my vault. Actually, one thing I do differently with men is that I will spend more time asking questions related to how they are doing. I find the time between my first question and them finally opening up takes longer than it does for women. So I’m a bit more patient in waiting for their heart to open up.

    I also blow them kisses, give them hugs and compliments and tell them I love them, even if they never say it back.

    I also call out my women friends for making generalizing statements about men.

    I wish I wanted to do more enough to do more but much like everything else I care about, I’m not an activist so I just influence my circle.

  10. I handled my depression alone. Tried sharing with other people but only felt more depressed because I had to re-live those situation again when explaining. Only thing that helped me was by looking at those who went through same or worse situation and realizing my problem was nothing compared to them… also I joined gym and focused on diet. One thing I realized was that you can’t be depressed when your stomach is full.

  11. I’m here answering the questions honestly and/or, telling men to quit whining because their problem is of their own making like a bro should

  12. By saying most people have it a lot worse than me so I can then ignore my problems this leading to a endless cycle of pain for myself. So I’m reality nothing.

  13. Instead of what everyone does, which is just saying “please seek help”. Im the one who offers help. That actually works.

  14. Nothing. I have my own to worry about and get therapy for. I don’t have the bandwidth to handle both my own mental health, and the nebulous ‘men’s mental health’ as well.

    I’ll work on what I can actually change, thanks.

  15. I used to run a men’s group for around 8 years meeting once a fortnight in a local park for breakfast. Until covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates made everything difficult so we ended up disbanding. Talked with many men from 18 to 80 sharing many stories of tragedy, triumphs, heartaches and hard earned lessons over those bbq plates. Some days 2 men showed up, some days 20. But hail, rain or shine they knew there was a table, a feed and ears to bend when they needed it.

  16. I go to therapy and take medication, and I am open about with with other men. I think being open and letting others know it’s ok and to ignore social expectations goes a long way.

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