20M. All friends I’ve had in the past have ghosted me. My latest girlfriend of 7 months just lost feelings and left me after saying over and over how she’ll love me forever. I literally have no one right now except my mom.

What the hell do I do? What am I doing wrong?

  1. You’re 20. This is a really weird age. Have your friends ghosted you? Or have you lost touch because maybe you got invested in your relationship (that is super common)? Reach out to 1-2 people to hang out. Simple “hey man it’s been a while, how have you been?” Or download a dating app. That is always a great distraction.

    But I’m not letting you get away with that negative self-talk. Reach out to your friends, I have a feeling they didn’t just ghost you. People lose touch all the time. Reconnect. It’s easy to spiral, but catch yourself. “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.” Clean your room, do some laundry, and go to the gym… right now stay busy and distract yourself.

  2. Hey homie. No advice for you off the top of my head. But I will say this: I’m 21M and somewhat in your boat. (Most of my comments say 22. I alter my age slightly on Reddit by habit because I post private stories sometimes.)

    If you ever want to connect just to hype each other up or give each other advice or have some friendly fitness competition or something, hmu

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