I M\[27\] went on a date with this girl \[F26\]. Started out with a walk in the park and then we grabbed some food and afterwards we went to a bar.

We talked for a long time and we both enjoyed it. I later on the evening then went for the kiss because I felt like we had that moment. She then pulled back and told me that she had something to confess.

She said she was currently seeing someone else but that she really wanted to kiss me. Me never having been in this situation before got a bit insecure and we started talking about it. I told her that I didn’t mind but also that she wasn’t the type of girl that I could fool around with without falling for her.

Because of the sexual tension we end up kissing and after that I told her maybe we should just call it a night. She had talked about having lots to do with her exams coming up 2 days from now and that she still wanted to get some work done before then end of the night.

On our way to her bicycle we stop at a little park with trampolines and we get on the and jump and talk for a bit and then we sit down and we start making out again. Because it is cold outside I told her we should get going and we get to her bike and end up kissing, hugging and we held hands. I give off subtle hints that maybe she should get going, but we just end up kissing more and then after a while we finally break it off and start walking. Thought all of this ever since we were sat by the trampolines she seemed like she had something to say or atleast she felt conflicted.

But we then said goodnight and went our seperate ways. I get home and text her that I had never been in this situation before but I thought more about it and that I really didn’t mind her seeing someone else, but that I would like to know if she was looking something serious.

She responded that she appreciates that I didn’t put her on the spot regarding the other guy she was seeing and that she had to search her feelings and sleep on it, but also said that it was lovely getting to know me.

I told her to take the time she needs to think about it and that i really enjoyed getting to know her aswell. Then I asked if she had time to go on a date in 3-4 days.

Her last response is that she is working in overdrive trying to finalise her exam with the other members of her group, but that she will write me later tonight.

Now my question is just has anyone been in this situation. How do i go about this. I really like my initial impression of this girl and we get along very well and the attraction is there, I just can’t help feeling a little insecure about that other guy, even though her and I have only been on 1 date. What do you guys think about this situation?

  1. Not weird that she’s dating other people, but kinda weird that she brought it up unprompted.

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