I recently got my drivers licence and I was supposed to get my parents old pickup after I passed the test. It’s like 30 years old, they use it only when they need to haul something. It’s honestly crap. But I after I passed my test my boyfriend surprised me with a car. He gave me his old car, a 2017 Challenger. Obviously I was over the moon. But when I told my parents about it they got mad at me and said that not only is me not taking their crappy truck a sign of disrespect but that I also shouldn’t take expensive gifts from my boyfriend. They’ve been angry and cold to me ever since. And I honestly don’t understand what the big deal. I mean I can’t think kf anyone that would rather drive an old crappy truck over a few year old Challenger. Plus I’m 18 and its not like I want to be seen driving that thing.

  1. Your parents are probably afraid that your boyfriend has too much leverage on you. I’m not sayi g they are right but you are with a guy who is older and providing in a rather disproportionate way for you. If you address this and explain that your choice is purely material, it might help

  2. Honestly, you seem like you’re very unappreciative to your parents and are putting your bf on a pedestal. Like someone said, seems like a disproportionate leverage he has on you, a 2017 challenger is not an “old” car. But yeah, it does seem weird he’s just giving you that car. Sometimes what happens is older men make girls financially dependent on them. Your parents might be worried about you for that.

  3. Sounds like your parents wanted you to take their shit truck so they could still use it when ever they like without having to park it or register it. And a 6 year age gap is not worth discussing, anyone focusing on that is an idiot puritan

  4. Is this guy rich or something?

    Do your parents like him in general? What do they think of him? Is there more that your parents would have to say about this?

    Are you an only child? Could mean that they feel like they are losing you, could be that either way really.

    Did your bf know about you getting the pickup truck? It’s a bit inconsiderate to your parents and their plans, talking first would have been better.

    The newer car sounds better I can understand why you would prefer that I’m sure everyone does.

    Your parents sound emotional, this probably meant a lot to them, more than you realise I’m sure, let them know you never meant to upset them (of course you didn’t but it doesn’t hurt to point it out, I’m sure you figured they would understand and be happy for you).

    I guess a way to understand would be to imagine you planned a dinner with your bf and then on the day he got a better offer and went with that one instead because it’s obviously better.

  5. Idk why your parents would prefer you to drive their 30 year old pickup truck over a 5 yr old challenger. Honestly the challenger has to be much safer and easier for you to drive. I hate driving my husbands pick up truck and it’s much newer than your parents. I feel like they are upset over the lack of influence they had in the situation. If you were being an asshole about it and saying eww I don’t want your nasty old truck, okay fair enough you were being disrespectful, but if you just showed up at home and said omg bf is giving me his challenger to drive isn’t that great? Well then, they are the ones being too stubborn. I don’t think your age gap is weird, in fact I am married to the man I met at 18 and he was 25 and I can truly say his age does not gain him power over me in the relationship. Maybe your parents are just disappointed that they couldn’t do the same for you that your bf did, which is understandable. If that’s the case I would just try to be sensitive to them but also matter of fact that you feel safer driving the challenger, as it’s going to be much more reliable and easier for you to manage. Your parents will get over it. Drive what you feel safest in.

  6. their pride has been dented so has their egos when i was 18 i met my partner ( i dont drive by the way) and they were 38 weve been together now for almost 24 years its not an age factor its that they cannot accept your relationship its their choice either they come round or they are going to loose you as a daughter plus your an adult and they can no longer control you like they did when you was a child stay with your bf it was a very kind thing for him to do dont let anyone or anything come between you always communcate through the small things and the major ones also congrats by the way on passing your test

  7. The age gap is not that bad, I swear the redditors on here are so dumb and fake riotousness. The issue is if he tries to take it back for any reason, which he can’t because it is a legal gift. I can understand why your parents are upset because of how some people act when they give expensive gifts to others, like the person they gave the gift to owes them the world, but just set those boundaries with him and tell him that you won’t be okay with him using it as leverage in any future arguments or whatever. I gave my gf a large sum of money and she was concerned about the leverage I would have, but we spoke about it and I would never bring it up or use it against her

  8. Girl your boyfriend’s a creep, if it’s legal to go younger than 18 and knowing he won’t get in trouble trust me he would

  9. I’m a little suspicious of your boyfriend’s motives I bet that’s where their head is at.

  10. It’s worth giving a warning but “no way there isn’t something wrong” overplays it. He could just be wealthy. If he’s not then he’s not that smart, which is another problem.

    The proper warning here is: Just because he gave you a car doesn’t mean you are obliged to stay with him. If you ever feel like the car is in any way shackling you, give it back or keep it and break up. Do not stay because you feel you have to. If you think you can’t do that, that it would be rude to break up after getting a car, give it back now.

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