I’m very tired and exhausted to the extend my body aches.
I don’t know how to make a full sentence of how i feel nor explain my problem.
But how am I supposed to explain that I’m tired emotionally to the extend I’m physically in pain? Without exaggeration?
Tired to the long road i have been at from people, dreams, my anxiety and hesitation, my helplessness in to many problems i don’t even have time or energy to solve and they all pouring nonstop.
Tired from tomorrow when it haven’t even begun, from yesterday when it already ended but the problems didn’t.
From the days, the promises that everyone says “be strong, it will get better!” “Be patient” “be wise and think before you act” “don’t get mad”.

What am I supposed to do? Choose what my family forces me to do? Or follow my heart and get screwed with bad choices?

Who should i follow and why do i get hurt every time i make a choice.

I need a break please!

I reached to the point where when i reach home after work at midnight, i stay awake in bed till 5 am just trying to calm down from the anxiety and exhaustion i had.
I feel weak and tired the idea of me getting up just to have a cup of water aches and i feel my body hurting because i don’t want to move. Don’t want to think not even hear anything not to process anything.

I’m lonely, and sad, and exhausted, and have a-lot on my mind that I’m not even ready to think about them.

Please don’t say it will get better or you’re strong these problems are small and easy to solve, because I’m crying in bed and I can’t find a way out.

1 comment
  1. I wish I could give you some guidance here but really all I could recommend is that you go to the doctor and tell them how you are feeling, they can give you sick notes if you are feeling too sad (they can actually do that) if your not functioning right they can’t have you work, you can use this time to rest and regain your strength and seek actual medical help. I know you will be reluctant to but seriously, no one deserves to live like this, this is serious. Don’t blame yourself. Find someone you can open up to so you can start to tackle these thoughts that are exhausting you so much 1 by 1, whether that is a therapist or a family member. It will be a long process and may even make you feel worse at times but that is far better compromise than to bottle it all up, so yes I am essentially saying what you don’t want to here but if you seek medical help then yes, everything will get better. Well done for coming to reddit searching for help, your taking the the right steps to solve this but you just need to go further my friend. I hope this helps you.

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