What is the best feeling when being on a date?

  1. Just being able to connect and have a great conversation and see that she’s interested in you and not her phone the whole time

  2. It’s a tie for me. First is when you’re sitting there and you’re just clicking with them, not even realizing that the minutes are clicking away as you enjoy yourselves and get lost in the moment. Second is when it’s winding down and I ask her if she’d like to have another night out with me and she, by some miracle, says YES!

  3. I went on a date when i was 15. The date ended in a hug.

    The upcoming 24 hours i jerked off 13 times. I guess that was the best feeling.

  4. Farting after you close her car door and you’re walking to the other side of the car.

  5. She keeps strong eye contact the whole time. Eye contact is sexy as fuck.

  6. On the first date, it’s the excitement of finding out you have something in common. That you’re both weird closeted nerds about that one thing that could potentially bind you together. Sometimes it’s as simple as coffee. Others it’s being able to quote “Back to the Future Part III” verbatim.

    On the “touch” date (could be the first date depending on the situation), that moment after you’ve started to like the person that your hands touch (intentionally or accidentally) and that electricity surges through your whole body. Nothing beats that first touch with NRE.

  7. Usually when I’ve had a relationship already by the first day it’s pretty apparent that this person really likes me and I like her and it’s wonderful really. Doesn’t happen that often though.

  8. When you click with her big time and at the end of the date she says “make sure you call me” or in today’s norms maybe it’s “make sure you text me”. Whatever it is, that always used to put me on a 3 day high.

  9. That first time you can comfortably break the touch barrier. Just holding a hand, can be exhilarating. Most men are touch starved. It’s not even a sexual thing.

  10. Just that rare feeling of connecting with another dude… in terms of mutual interest in the conversations, humor, and you both feel that sense of warm fuzzy connection it’s mutually obvious. And that sense of anticipation that feels almost… electric.

    And also like others have said… those first touches. Hands, an arm around the other, sitting or walking really close, etc.

  11. The end of it when you get to go back home. Not in a *depressing way*, but rather the thoughts after the evening. If it was bad – awesome, back home and ready for bed. If it was really good? I get to go to bed and look forward to a text later on.

  12. When you just KNOW you’re gonna fuck her. Maybe not right then. Maybe not even that night. But you just know.

  13. I’ve never felt my constant anxiety melt away faster than when a woman I have chemistry with puts her head on my shoulder.

  14. There is this specific moment with pretty much every girl where she internally goes “Yup… apparently he isn’t a serial killer and I think I like him.”

    This is the exact moment she decides to wrap you up and take you with her. You can see it in her body language changing, the look on her face and especially her behaviour after making this decision.

    I’ve seen this on every successful date I have ever been on. Basically the same with every girl, even though their styles in wrapping this up are vastly different.

  15. When you stop feeling like you’re on a job interview and start having fun. Also sex.

  16. When the vibe starts to click. You can feel it and you know it’s going to be a good time.

  17. For me the best is when you go to a first date and it feels like you’re talking to an old friend.

  18. These days? Nothing because you know you’re in a long line of applicants

  19. When both are having fun and enjoying each other’s company knowing it will be engrained in your memory.

  20. When the date starts at 7 PM, but then it’s suddenly 11 PM because you’re having such a great conversation.

  21. I personally always felt the best moment on a date was when you catch her glance at you or react to your touch and you know she is attracted to you.

  22. The same as any night out. Getting home at the end, putting on comfy clothes, grabbing a cup of tea and getting on the sofa.

  23. The best dates just kind of go on and on because the conversation keeps flowing and you’re both having such a great time! But I guess to answer your Q, the best feeling is when you realize it’s been hours and hours and there’s no sign of either being ready to go home (separately) yet.

  24. The number 1 best feeling is when the other person is simply engaged in the moment and not checking their phone constantly. The bar is extremely low but this is usually a pretty good indicator of what you’re getting in to

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