I am a married woman. My husband and I can tell when I am about to be on my menstrual cycle usually because my sex drive is higher and I want sex more before I come on. When I tried to initiate it, he stopped me and said he wasn’t really in the mood. No big deal. I’ll use a toy and do my thing. Cool.

Come today, a few days later. I read some hentai manga (porn novel) and I start feeling like wanting to be intimate. I start kind of cuddling up to him and we start having sex but then the desire is just gone. We’re both clearly not into it. We stop. Has this been a thing before? What should I do?

1 comment
  1. So many missing puzzle pieces here. If this has only recently happened and is not a something that has been ongoing, there is not a lot to worry about.

    Is your husband stressed out? That can lower our ability to get down.

    Is it possible he thought you would not be in the mood and took care of himself? Guy here, this has happened to me. I can still get down, but my erection quality is lower and it takes more to get me fully erect.

    When is the last time you two have connected and went on a date? Make the entire night about just you two!

    Do you two send signals earlier in the day? If not, have fun! Brush up on him. Kiss. Hug. Tease him. Let him tease you. Sext one another – send racy text messages about what you want.

    And lastly, just communicate with another. Maybe you both need to spice up the bedroom. Maybe less stress needs to happen. Maybe you two just have crossed signals!

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