I was wondering how many people improved their life thanks to what they learned here. So, what’s your story? What did you achieve and how??

  1. The advice given on this subreddit is extremely generic and thus pretty useless. Instead, I got actual results from the books that people have suggested here.

  2. Reddit is passive learning. I see useful things here that are eye catching every so often. Same for all the other improvement subs. Just subscribe to a few and scroll once a day.

    I think you’ll improve fastest by joining a group like toast masters or improv. Yes, it’s nerve wracking, but I found it easiest going in and just saying I’m socially inept and trying to improve. Relieve the pressure of pretending and then just be silly like everyone else. You’ll see everyone else scrambling too and it reminds you this is all normal.

  3. Not to this, but other subreddits where you can connect with people worked for me to start learning it all by scratch

  4. Actually (and apparently an unpopular experience), I learned a lot from the post about can guys and girls be friends. It’s something I’ve been struggling with a lot as I haven’t always known the difference between friendship and relationships. The perspectives on there were really insightful to the differences between friendship or not. It popped up in my feed at a perfect time to so I feel it was really great. I am currently working with a friend of mine on deciding if we will be taking our friendship to the next level or leaving it how it is.
    Honestly this entire subreddit has been amazing to me. Validating and insightful. But I’m young and dumb so :p maybe I just need it 🙂

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