I [M25] have gone on two dates with a girl. Now she’s out of town on vacation for close to two weeks. Should I be texting her regularly, or just like once or twice? I don’t want to bother her when she’s obviously busy, but I don’t want her to think I’m not interested. And what do I even say? I feel like “Can’t wait to see you again!” comes off as kind of desperate, but I obviously have no idea what I’m doing.

  1. Maybe have her text you whenever she is able/wants to, in vacation she might want to go airplane mode for a while, wanting to spend time with herself or whoever she’s vacationing with. Say something like “I’m able to chat whenever but Idk about you since you’re vacationing, text me whenever you want to chat and lets catch up when you get back”.

  2. Yeah. Only two dates so it’s not serious. And she is on vacation. If you already texted her, I would wait until she responds.

    At most, just tell her you hope her vacation is going well but don’t say anything to lead her to believe you expect to hear back from her ASAP. She’ll wonder how independent you are, etc.

    Since you’ve only been on two dates, you probably shouldn’t text more than once every 4 or 5 days. If she wants to make time to communicate with you; she will.

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