I’m thinking of rejection from someone you approach or like, but could be any kind as well. Thinking about things along the lines of…not internalizing it…being okay with it and moving on…

  1. Understanding that it’s alright to not be perfect and to not get everything you want.

    Understanding that the benefits of being vulnerable outweigh the pain of rejection – it’s just the cost you have to pay sometimes.

    Understanding that you didn’t lose anything except false hope, and that this actually frees you to pursue other options.

  2. just respect it. rejection isn’t personal. it feels like it is. it doesn’t mean you are less than the other person or not good enough.

    it’s just that person for whatever reason doesn’t feel they are interested in taking your relationship to another level. just respect it and move on.

    if you have a mutual relationship with that person and it’s not some cold approach, carry on with that. don’t put in more than you get out that’s a mutual relationship. if you’re friends or acquaintances don’t do something she wouldn’t do in return expecting anything to change, don’t do things expecting her to change her mind. just put in what you get out. you can’t convince someone to feel something.

    by respecting a woman’s boundaries you show your own self worth and her a great deal of respect. that also keeps the door slightly ajar if situations and circumstances change later down the road.

    I actually married a woman who both of us at some point rejected one another. She rejected me because college was around the corner and I rejected her because I was trying to sort things out with an ex. but kept a relationship of mutual respect and close friendship for a decade before we finally played the “i can’t believe we never game” lol.
    so don’t push things, respect it and have a mutual relationship with that person and carry on with your life.

    the proper way to cold approach is to establish a seed of a relationship expecting nothing in return but to get to know the person. a relationship is just interaction between people. see if they are interested in getting to know one another at a basic level and have fun. that may result in acquaintances, or friendship, rarely hook ups and as you get to know someone that interest in more may come. it can happen really fast, over time or not at all.

    most ONS actually happen between people that already have a relationship of mutual respect and understanding that has undertones of sexual tension and chemistry. that’s the secret to hook ups.

  3. By not putting yourself in situations where you will get rightfully rejected in the first place

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