Hi there. First of all, apologies if this is not the correct forum for my issue but I find the audience here to be sensible towards every topic related to sex.
To begin with, I am a 25M with a very high libido in general. I haven’t had sex in a very long time and even though hopefully, I am not against it, but not actively looking for sex either. If it happens, it happens is my take on it right now as I am not ready to invest much of time looking for it and in my country it’s not very easy as well. So I understand if you guys wanna say that all you need is a partner and bedroom time, I just wanna say it’s something I can start looking for, but not something I’ll be able to get in a short duration majorly due to where I live.
Still due to the needs to my body and a large amount of free time in my hands, I have been masturbating twice daily which is not a worst case scenario I think but it kinda drains a little of my energy during the day. Until the last month I was very busy with life and rarely the urge to masturbate crept in, still to satisfy my body needs, I would take out some days during the weeks for it and that kinda worked well.
I have tried various ways to indulge myself in other activities but my mind keeps going back to wanting more.
So, I just wanna know if you guys have any advice as to how I can limit my libido, keep it under control while focussing on keeping my energy preserved during the day. I am not opposed to masturbation at all, infact it kinda helps me relax too. But any ideas about how to tackle a little over-masturbation problem if someone’s been through it or any advice in general will be helpful.

  1. I don’t know if I believe there is ever too much masterbation. If it is not working out for your schedule or life or making you too tired try doing it at times when that’s not an issue like before bed. Also just want to throw this out there, you touched base on the getting a gf and yes it would probably help if you did. Get all that energy out on something else so it’s not in your hand or you could get a sex doll, which are also options.

  2. Twice a day doesn’t seem too much but I have found that going for a walk sometimes helps ease the tension when necessary!

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