As I said I am 18 atm recently got a part time job and I am working at it 4 days a week at a hotel which i took a gap year to do because i never felt like going to uni straight after high school.Lowkey felt like i had no money and i just want to have money and enjoy something i guess i live in Scotland university is mostly free.Currently working on getting my driving licence atm already have my provisional but i am just too lazy to fully do the whole thing just gimme some advise and make them long.Still live w parent and make around 1300 a month how should I spend it aswell would be helpful.I’ve got a lot of details missing and info soo sorry it the post is a bit shallow.

  1. Set up a pension and pay some spare cash into it each month. Pensioner you will look back on 18-year-old you and go “damn, that kid was an absolute fucking legend” then will kick back in his massive armchair and sip champagne while laughing at his friends who are still out at work.

    Same goes for a Lifetime ISA.

  2. Money saving expert has some great resources, be worth checking out and the reddit sub /ukpersonalfinance

  3. Get that driving licence. That’s a massive boost when you’re looking for jobs.

    Spend some time researching careers and see if it’s possible to do some short internships or volunteering at places to figure out what you like before committing to a uni course or apprenticeship.

    If you don’t have good passes in English and Maths GCSE, look to get those, saves you doing them again to get on a course or a grad scheme.

  4. Nothing wrong with a gap year but don’t waste the whole thing working. First and foremost you need to have an objective for doing something excellent with your year. Many people go “traveling”, aka a very long holiday, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that. Figure out what it is you really want to do, then how much it will cost, then how long you need to work and save to achieve it.

    Don’t forget to spend some money and time having fun and broadening your horizons.

  5. Get a pension! I wish I had been educated on how important that was. Currently nearly 40 with no pension at all and kinda worried about it.

  6. Underspend your income, put some aside in a savings account with a good interest rate that you won’t touch. Once you’ve built up 3-5k in cash savings, consider that your emergency fund, then direct the same money you were underspending into long term stocks and shares spread between a selection of decent companies and perhaps an index tracker or two. Your future self will thank you for it and if you can make that attitude a habit for life then you’ll have money for the bigger things in life such as a deposit to buy a house many years before most of your peers will.

  7. Open a Vanguard pension and invest in a broad global index fund. Thank yourself later

  8. Wouldn’t worry to much about the living home with parents side of things, people in their 30s still are and it’s considered normal nowadays.because of house and rent prices.

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