I have a friend who considers me very quiet for a long time. I tried talking louder today and she said I talked too loud and was being rude. I don’t get it. I tried to speak up more loudly and my friend is now wanting me to go back to speaking quiet again? I wasn’t shouting or anything. My voice was only slightly louder than usual.

She said that being quiet is more polite. But it depends on who I’m talking to, right? If I talk to other people other than her, then they’ll say my voice is too quiet and tell me to speak louder.

When speaking louder, my voice does sound more forced and maybe a bit agitated in tone, meaning I sound more angry? Maybe she meant that my tone was angry sounding. But I thought it wasn’t a big deal since their are people who talk way louder than me and they don’t really sound angry.

How can I improve my voice and tone? I want to be able to talk at the right volume and tone in every social situation.

  1. Sometimes being being too quiet could mean you seem to have nothing to say, which might mean she wonders if you’re keeping secrets or just not thinking.

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