So I recently reconnected with my oldest guy friend, after spending 7+ years apart because we moved.

I moved closer to him due to job relocation. I work for an IT company. We had feelings for one another at one point, even so far as going to say I love you, but grew apart due to time and distance.

I also, since I was *single* at the time, kissed and started dating someone else.

Ever since we reconnected, and I reconnected with his family and our other friend as well, my oldest guy friend has gone out of his way to avoid my texts or talking to me.

I don’t get why. I’ve been completely normal, platonic and appropriate. I’ve also been normal about this situation, and have dated others, and have been open about it as someone normally would.

His family, our friends, will all normally talk to me now that I’ve been living here, except for him. For example, we were all texting last night, and he would only “like” my messages, but respond to everyone else.

TL;DR guy acting weird

  1. Guessing he is probably jealous and keeping his distance due to the confusing feelings he is having

  2. Sounds like he’s either still into you, or feels he would quickly become into you again if you guys hung out more, and he doesn’t want that. Either because he thinks your unavailable or would otherwise not want to date him and he’s not ok being “just friends”, he’s unavailable, or something similar.

  3. Because a lot of the times, I should say most of the times, you won’t be able to suddenly go back to being the same friends after having feelings for each other. That relationship is changed. And depending on how invested he wanted to be, it might not be repairable for him.

  4. Talk directly to him about it, it’s the only way to get an actual answer if he’s up for it.

  5. Wait, so you two dated at some point, you said you loved him, then left/ghosted him for years and expect him to just take things as if they never happened?
    I don’t know how he could react to that tbh, but best choice should be just having a frank conversation about it.

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