So I (M23) use to watch porn every day and I would of masturbated at least 3 times a day. since I’ve stopped watching porn after realising that alot of trafficing goes on and how it sets unrealistic standards I have just felt alot better mentally, I have more drive and energy. My skin also seems to look better and I have also gained alot of muscle over these past few months since.

But I remember after I would watch porn I just got this “Dirty” feeling and then about 3 hours later Id watch it again just to bust a nut.

I think porn and social media are just two big problem that need to go, I think the world would be a better place and more people would be better mentally if both of those things didn’t exist.

I even have more confidence to talk to women and from now on my loads are for women only, not my hand or something like a cloth, sock etc.

  1. Instant gratification and the high you get from it can absolutely have negative consequences in the long run. Glad to hear you’ve had a good experience with cutting back.

  2. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Personally porn (ethical) and masturbation are a much needed part of my day. Different people have different needs and different values around sex, masturbation and porn; I’m glad you found what works for you.

  3. I dont think that porn in itself is the issue, but rather an imbalance or an incongruence with your beliefs. If you felt dirty watching it, then your beliefs about porn were causing some psychological response or distress, not the porn itself. Porn can be problematic for that reason, but it can also be really healthy and part of a well rounded sex life. It’s all about how you perceive it, and how that impacts you or your partner(s).

    But its great that you were able to adjust your behaviors to be more in line with your perceptions, and I’m glad that has helped you feel better about yourself!

  4. Good for you! I’ve been a porn consumer my whole life, really young age and in every medium, and plan to be. However, for whatever reason, I’ve never “porn holed”. Just like a once a week thing for less than a hour. Maybe more if my partner is traveling.

    I’m only mentioning this because some folks seem to take a very all or nothing approach, and there’s a lot of toxic anti-porn rhetoric out there. Then again I don’t watch porn with women, and only amateur stuff and erotica. (The porn industry has a lot of toxicity in it).

  5. Just make sure you don’t go too far the opposite way. Try to have a balanced life rather then deciding what the whole world should do based on your own experiences only .

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