What are the top common interests between you and your SO?

  1. We like fighting, like in a discipline setting, she likes muay thai and I like boxing.

    We will start jiu jitsu today together.

    Also eating, we like eating sweets.

  2. * Hiking
    * Sex
    * Traveling
    * Road tripping
    * Family gatherings
    * Sex
    * Hockey
    * Craft beer and whiskey
    * Home improvement projects.

  3. Estate sales and thrift stores. Taking naps because we both work a lot. We also have started watching these Spanish movies that are cheesy as hell, but we enjoy them.

  4. As we age together less and less haha We both enjoy country and fishing when on vacation…We both use to love sex. Think she loves BINGO much more now…I have learned to
    enjoy and look forward to my own time when she at bingo

  5. Playing Pokemon on the DSs and collecting pokemon cards, (we’re 30 lol) painting (art is our biggest passion together) star wars, sex/food/cuddles,

  6. Honestly we don’t have a lot in common. We talk a lot. We take an interest in each other’s hobbies and interests. Come to think of it, not a whole lot of overlap. Maybe some sci Fi books or movies.

  7. Fishing, hunting, dogs, sexually pleasing old people, road trips, and food

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