So there’s this coworker who has asked for my number a few weeks back and we have been texting all a good while. She has told me that we should go to various places together, some food places and the gym. But you see I’m very terrible socially I’m literally just started to break out of my social shell, I’m usually quite quiet and reserved but since working at my job I actually talk to my coworkers and made some friendly connections. But this coworker in particular I really do have a crush on. She’s free only after a certain date to hang out but if I’m being frank I got no idea on how to know if she likes me like as a crush or as a friend. She has said she likes me but I’m very confused if meant as a friend. She does tend to touch me a lot as well and on my butt which I do think is odd but not sure what it means(is she being friendly). Please help and give me advise I’m 18 and oblivious as hell. I’ll update I really need the advise.

  1. She’s definitely crushing on you if she’s touching your butt lol.

    Next time she brings up going someplace, insist on putting it in your schedule or on your calendar and talk about how you’ll get there (separate? Together? Who’s driving?). When your plans are made wrap it up with “it’s a date?” and let her correct you if she is somehow also oblivious and didn’t intend to set up a date.

  2. Dude she likes you in a more than friend way. It’s kinda sweet that you didn’t realise though.

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