Over a month My mate caught my Ex cheating on me. I don’t know how long it had been going on but when I found out we broke up.

However, just after a month since we broke up. I noticed a small fleshy lump on my penis. It’s not painful but it’s there.

I’m a little lost on what to do. I am going to get checked but I feel like my sex life is ruined.
How do I even navigate pursing a romatic relationship as I feel most people would be put off

  1. See a Doctor now.

    Make an appointment and pay for the treatments. This may not be a permanent STD or an STD at all.

    Act now and don’t worry about the expense. Get treated and fight for your health.

    Don’t think, don’t regret, stop getting frustrated or angry. ACT.

  2. I’ve got herpes, had it all of my adult life, and have had plenty of lovers. At the end of the day, it’s not so terrible. The actual outbreak is just a little uncomfortable. You just take about ten days and not have sex, or don’t include your penis in sexual activity. I treat it like a period that comes every few months.

    The worst part is the conversation. Girls fall into one of few reactions: 1. They have it too and are SO RELIEVED that you brought it up first. After that, it’s game on. You’d be surprised how often this happens. 2. They don’t care. They understand that it’s not crazy transmissible when you’re not having an outbreak. Many people have cold sores and understand this concept. They feel really respected that you told them and you seem like a nice guy. 3. They care… but they like you. They need to get some information before making a decision. Be armed with the facts, the numbers, and the understanding that it’s really scary at first to hear about but not that bad in reality. Don’t push them into anything but be available to answer any questions. Maybe suggest a website for them to look at. Almost all of these women want to use a condom until they feel like the relationship is really going somewhere. After that, they tend to ease up and not worry too much. This is the most common scenario. 4. They care… and they don’t like you enough to entertain the idea of having sex or a relationship. You didn’t have a huge chance with them anyways. Maybe a hookup, but nothing more substantial than that. Cut your loss and keep trying. This has never happened to me.

    You’re just freaking out right now. It’s fine to not be happy with this situation. But the dust will eventually settle and life will go on. In the mean time, get that shit checked out. It might be a super easy fix.

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