If you see your ex everyday happy with her or his new partner how would you cope ?

  1. I’d try to avoid circumstances like that from the beginning, e.g. by not hooking up at the workplace or in my close social circle.

    Other than that, there are tons of things I have and want to do independent of my relationship status, leaving me little to no time to be all that occupied with other peoples lives.

  2. If they’re happier without me, I let them, of course. I shift attention elsewhere, go out into the world, find others to hang out with.

  3. Nothing to cope with. I’d be happy for her, and hope also that it means she’s done stalking and harassing me.

  4. There is nothing to cope. Depending on the ex I would either feel happy for her or sorry for him.

  5. Either be happy for them or become so successful and happy in life that they become unhappy for you.

  6. I went to his wedding and get excited every time they post life updates on facebook, lol. I’m so happy that he’s with someone that’s so perfect for him. You just have to realize that it wasn’t meant to happen between you two. We’re both happily married, no point in getting upset about the past.

  7. She’s married and happy. She deserves it, she’s a good person. Sometimes relationships just dont work out but I hold no ill will about it.

  8. I hope my exe’s are happy. I see them on occasion, it’s fine.

    I live my own life, I don’t live through others.

  9. I would be jealous and definitely would start reflecting on myself and my past mistakes. I know it’s not right, but i would react that way. Gladly all of my exes are far away from me.

  10. I’d rather see them happy than miserable. Relationships end, that’s how it is. Your ex being happy without you isn’t an indictment of you in any way, it’s just her/him living their own lives, and that’s good. Plus, who wants a miserable ex messaging you ten times a day trying to rekindle something that can’t work? If you can be friends with an ex, great, if you can’t then let them be someone else’s problem.

  11. Well, *the ex* I would be both happy she found happiness but saddened I couldn’t give it to her.

    All the others, I don’t care. Good for them

  12. If it’s ONE of my exes, it would crush me. I know she isn’t happy as she is married to him but talking to me about all her problems she can’t talk to him about.
    If it were any other ex I would probably feel sorry for the guy.

  13. Everyone deserves to be happy. Try to be happy for her, and focus on the things that make you happy, too.

  14. Be happy for her and pray the time for me to feel that way too is coming soon.

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