Is it possible for a woman to be so loud and eager during sex that it comes off as unsettling and creepy instead of attractive?

I worry that my enthusiasm in the bedroom comes off as weird and I don’t want to make my partner uncomfortable!!

  1. No. Okay maybe if you scream like you’re dying maybe then it’s getting weird but anything that doesn’t seem like it wouldn’t be fitting a sexual situation is fine

  2. Can you show your eagerness through actions? Grabbing hair, back, bum, screaming into their chest, or focusing on whispering into their ear…..

  3. Btw all for being loud though! Just if you wanted to channel that energy in different ways

  4. Like others have said so long as you’re not screaming like foxes do when they have sex then you’re grand.

    Personally speaking there’s nothing sexier than an enthusiastic partner so don’t feel you have to tone down a thing.

  5. It depends entirely what you’re enthusiastic about tbh.

    Can you be too enthusiastic when riding me? No.

    Can you be too enthusiastic about wanting to shit in my mouth? Absolutely.

    As long as our appetites align, then no you can’t be too enthusiastic.

  6. Depends on what the guy is like in their response or how you think they feel.

    The guy I’m seeing ATM is really fit and he’s quite sensitive to the environment around. Maybe it’s about the location…

    Another fittie that I was with would fuck me hard in his room (he lived with just his dad whose room was on a different floor). He would blast good music (he and his dad share music taste) (they grew weed (organic weed) and we’d get high (best weed high I would ever get) and have sex as loud as we’d like and not worry of someone hearing.

    I used to have sex with this other guy though, way more insensitive to things like that though. His bed was right by the wall where his mum slept on the other side of. I/we would be really loud and it was uncomfortable knowing her room was right there and she probably heard a lot. He was a bit older than me too.

  7. Aslong as its genuine and your not faking any of it be as enthusiastic as you want it’s great to know your partner is enjoying themselves

  8. There can absolutely be too much, and it can be disruptive. But if your partner understands your need or the place you are in, or your partner is mature and self certain, then there won’t be any issues.

    In order to prevent any issues, make sure your partners are trustworthy. Get to know them and feel safe. Then you will be free to be yourself without concern.

  9. The way I see it there’s 2 primary scenarios for *too much enthusiasm* creating an uncomfortable situation…

    1. You’re in an apartment complex or there’s a shared living situation with roommates or family and he doesn’t want to disturb anyone.
    2. There’s a potentiality your moans, whimpers, screams, squirms, wiggles, ect. might inadvertently come off as insincere and he thinks you’re faking it.

    Based on the limited info provided the latter seems the most applicable. If so, just do the simple thing everyone should do with their partners… **Communicate**. Make a pot of coffee and sit down at the table and have an open and honest discussion. Ask him what you’ve asked us and then follow that up with “Hey bossman, you’re rockin’ my damn world here and this is just me expressing it.” . Then throw the proverbial ball over into his court and let him uninterrupted communicate his feelings on the subject. See what he thinks and progress from there.

    *edit* Also, if it is just basic weirded out or off-put by things and not the latter scenario… **Just communicate.**

  10. All personal preference, for for me yes… I get turned on by passionate sexy whimpers, moans and light dirty talk… if it gets to screaming and screechy I just feel uncomfortable and awkward,

  11. I don’t think it matters if it was unsettling or creepy if you burst his eardrums. Most people aren’t capable of being that loud, though.

  12. My gf is very loud, which is flattering, but I often feel bad because I’m worried we’re upsetting the other tenants in the apartment.

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