Just a general announcement here.

I’ve been a mod of /r/sex for more than five years. In that time, I have long ago lost track of how many people insist on dropping “squirt is pee” in every single thread where someone is happy about squirting the first time, needing advice on how to squirt, etc. And very often, it is done with a condescending attitude.

Let this serve as notice that we are done with it. We don’t allow body shaming in /r/sex. We don’t allow kink shaming in /r/sex. To me, this conduct borders on both – and regardless, it is off topic and nonconstructive (both of which violate rule one of the sub).

So here’s the deal. If there is a thread to discuss what squirt is or isn’t, have at it. Tell us that you think it’s pee. Cite that single tired study of seven women as “proof” that it’s pee. Your content is on topic there, and is perfectly valid provided you don’t shame or attack others (“ewww, disguisting, you’re just peeing on your partner”).

But if you chime in to any squirting topic that ISN’T asking about the fluid composition (i.e. if someone is asking for advice, asking for help, sharing happiness over squirting, talking about challenges it can bring, and so on), you **WILL** be banned on the spot.

We will not argue the merits of your opinion, as that’s not what this is about. This is about being respectful and constructive. Violations from this point on will be subject to ban.

  1. I think the notion comes from [this study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25545022/), which is pretty inconclusive and has a tiny sample. But even though it makes sense it would be mainly pee, there’s nothing inherently disgusting about that. I’m not really into watersports, but it’s undeniable urine is aseptic and basically just a saline solution. It’s not gooey or sticky (unlike other much more popular fluids), and unlike saliva, doesn’t have a cohort of bacteria swimming in there.

    Shaming in general is pretty unacceptable, but in this case particularly it has no base, even if squirting is pee or is related to it (which isn’t conclusive).

    Edit: oh I misread and didn’t gather you were already referencing the study.

    Edit 2: changed sterile to aseptic after correction.

  2. Well as I mentioned in one of the many squirt related threats tonight. “Studies show that people with vaginas that can squirt comes from the Skene glands and from having a female prostate.” All that liquid is rushed into the bladder before being squirted out.

    So is squirt pee, yeah kinda, but it’s also a mix of other stuff that come from the other 2 organs involved.

  3. No objection to this position – really sort of ambivalent towards squirt – but are there not some other things that Mods should be focusing on too, such as:
    – the quasi incels repeatedly complaining that their girlfriend isn’t a virgin
    – the troll posting every day that nobody likes to date or have sex with Asian men
    – the other troll asking repeatedly how “cucks” could let their SOs fuck another guy

  4. Hell yes!!!! Thank you. Why do people come on here just to deliberately make people feel like shit?

  5. I don’t see it in the rules yet. Is this “official” or the opinion of one mod?

    Btw google and wikipedia results are that squirt can contain urine so that’s probably where people are coming from. Could you give a source that explains what “squirt” really is?

  6. Sorry if I am a bit thick in the morning but if we chime in with negative comments about how it’s pee. When a person is just asking about squirting that’s a ban ? I just want to be clear.

    Because what I described is shaming some women can’t help squirting. And ya generally when science has a consensus view on a subject it’s based on many studies involving many people.

    One study = proof ( nope ) New data shifts consensus viewpoint so dogmatism doesn’t work with science.

  7. Thank you on behalf of all squirters who are tired of being shamed for it. 🙏

  8. Totally support this, as long as it’s not used to defend ignorance. I don’t kinkshame, but my kink is rational thought and as long as that is protected as well, we’re good.

  9. Great post. FWIW, I firmly support this stance.

    And since we’re on the topic, I’d like to just throw this out there: It doesn’t matter. Whether or not it’s urine or whatever isn’t the point. For most women reporting it, it’s a sign of orgasm for them. A very specific kind. And a lot of men (and women) love that. What’s in it doesn’t really matter.

    Also, unless you have a UTI, urine is ~~sterile~~ pretty clean with no harmful bacteria. So take your hangups somewhere else.

    EDIT: Turns out urine isn’t technically sterile, but it has very low amounts of safe bacteria.

  10. I don’t think anyone should be trying to make someone else feel bad about what their body does naturally. That being said, I often see people trying to make others feel bad about what their body doesn’t do. In this case, I’ll use squirting as the example, since that is the current topic. I think a lot of people who respond with negative comments are feeling defensive because squirting has become such a popular thing that many are made to feel that they are bad at sex if they can’t make their partner squirt or that there is something wrong with their own body if their body doesn’t squirt.

    It’s almost becoming an ‘us vs them’ topic and people on both sides of it are maybe starting to feel less desirable, depending on who’s opinion they are currently reading.

    Some people squirt and some don’t. It doesn’t seem to be possible for some or maybe they are just not interested in trying. I think there would be less negativity surrounding the discussion if the people who squirt or want to try squirting were careful with the feelings of those who’s bodies don’t naturally do that.

    That’s just the feeling I get, as someone that really has no opinion on it, one way or the other.

  11. The smell. Or the taste (not my fetish before you ask, just bad timing). Also it feels something like pre cum in males. Not as sticky but there is something there.

    But yes. Sometimes piss is there…. not pretty but…. it is what it is. Sometimes it’s just more prevalent than other times. But it’s deffo not 100% yellow hell

  12. Personally I am happy my wife doesn’t squirt because it seems you would need a lot of prep and cleanup. Curious how people handle it.

  13. So i honestly don’t know and i thought it was pee but really idk google seems to be a bit unhelpful. Is it pee or not? Real question i hope this is allowed

  14. I fully believe that it’s pee, and fully support this stance. You’re taking the right stance here. It doesn’t need to be said every time squirt is discussed.

  15. I’m not going to look up the study I found that cited this but I did extensive research back in the day with my ex gf because a number of reasons.

    1. She squirts
    2. She was hooked up to a catheter
    3. We were having phone sex

    So we wondered if the stuff that ended up in the catheter would be piss or something else and if the doctors would be able to tell.

    We found a study that explained the process. Apparently when a woman squirts her bladder fills up with a liquid that is not piss and it’s released from there. In that process, some pee may get mixed in so when someone tests for pee, pee shows up. But that doesn’t mean it’s piss.

    That’s my research. Feel free to validate it on your own but I’m not providing sources because i don’t remember.

  16. Well idk what it is since I can’t test it myself but I will say from experience I been with 1 lady who squirted a huge amount, it didn’t have a scent or anything that night and even though I put towels down it soaked through. Now I did take off my sheets and put the towels in the wash. I ended up falling asleep about 45 mins later since she left and it was pretty late. The next day I awoke I put the towels in the dryer and showered before work. Now after the shower as I went into my room to put the sheets in the wash next, as I entered my room I smelt a huge scent of pee. I then picked up my sheets and to my surprise it was her squirt. It didn’t bother me since I was gonna wash it regardless ( 2 times actually lol) but yes I do believe it is pee or at least had a good amount in it. So whether or not I have to upload some form of proof is not relevant to me since I learned 1st hand that it does in fact have some pee in it. We had sex plenty of times and 90% of the time it had that scent. I also asked a coworker who had plenty of woman “friends” and he said the ones that squirted had that pee scent also even from different woman. So yea in my experience yes it does in fact have pee in it. Maybe not the 1st few squirts but if she is like my ex fwb and she squirts a huge amount I’m certain it does have some in it. Anyways have a good day and I hope no one keeps arguing over this.

  17. I really don’t envy you having to read comments in any thread. I support this position, and am so sorry it needs to be said that changing the subject to “the sex you’re having distubs/disgusts me” is never an appropriate comment for a sex positive subreddit.

    As an aside, if people are getting terrible Direct Messages, what is the preferred way to deal with that? When I get them I click on report, and then the message disappears from my inbox. Should I make note of usernames and message the mods in case they’re not banned already? Thx.

  18. isnt it literally urea? it cant be piss. to be frank, ive used the bathroom before sex and still ended up squirting. maybe its subjective but…

  19. I love when a partner squirts. I don’t mind either putting a towel down or changing the sheets and it’s the symbol that I’m making her happy. Who cares what it is and the people shaming it are just dumb

  20. THANK YOU. So tired of the stupid asses coming in here with that shit.

    “Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”

  21. I am the ultimate squirt fan. The chemical composition isn’t important to me at all. It’s all about the frenzied passion, boiling over to the point that the love volcano literally explodes with pleasure. So damn hot!

  22. Surely nobody should be getting banned from.any sub for an opinion of any type.
    Reddit is supposed to be about free speech and allowing everyone a voice. If we ban anybody for an opposing opinion then the subreddits just become echo chambers of people agreeing with everybody.

    I say don’t ban and just reply saying their response is not appreciated.

  23. I do have to say (and sorry if it is off topic) this sub on the whole is one of the most supportive and positive ones within Reddit, lots of very good discussion and useful information amongst a great community headed up by some real hard working mods.

    As unpopular as the mods can be please everyone remember they are human and they are working to keep things positive for the community and I believe they are doing a great job

    Have a good day everyone

  24. Fuckin A awesome!!!! Thank you! And here! here!

    And I love this line: “Cite that single tired study of seven women as “proof” that it’s pee. “

  25. As someone who literally *just* posted about squirting for the first time, this couldn’t be more aptly timed. Thanks!

  26. It’s not fucking pee, it might come from the same box, but it definitely is not piss. It doesn’t taste like piss and it doesn’t squirt out of the pee hole.

  27. Speaking as someone who enjoys an occasional golden shower from a female partner, also please destigmatise actual pee and consensual watersports.

  28. Thanks, I guess. I don’t want to be banned here like I got from r/food. Over there all I said was a very simple comment about a pizza and the mod went on a power trip and accused me of “circlejerking” and hit me with a permanent lifetime instaban.

  29. Why would that be a permanent ban for a first offense? There should be a temp ban first offense then a permanent ban for a second offense.

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