Was High School Musical a big thing, or Shrek 2, or any other movie, or even an anticipated season/series finale of idk, ATLA, my primary school never had something that was big for everyone and I feel like for that reason I might’ve missed out. Feels weird but I kinda wish I could’ve experienced FOMO at that time.

Closest thing I’ve had was in Year 5 and I heard a few boys talking about Die Hard 5, altough I found out years later I probably wasn’t missing out on much.

As a bonus has there been anything big in your kids class, like Frozen II or some shit?

  1. Pokemon and Pokemon Cards. Pokemon cards took my primary school by storm, to the point they were banned because it was causing trouble with people stealing each others or doing extremely unfair trades on younger pupils.

  2. Pogs, pokemon, the naked lara croft myth & harry potter were all insanely popular at my primary school .

  3. Crazy bones.

    They were banned soon after they took over the yard.

    Then someone used them for an Easter deco contest and people took that as the ban being lifted.

    Then we had a whole speech in assembly about them really being banned.

  4. The aliens in the egg, everyone had a bullshit story about them. Someone threw one onto the assembly hall ceiling, stuck there for years. Probably still there.

  5. The Power Rangers was a new thing and loved by all. We also had Nintendo’s and Sega. There was also lots of talk about if there was a ghost at the bottom of the field and in the sheds next to it.

  6. End of primary school for me was attitude era wrestling, Stone Cold and The Rock etc. You weren’t meant to be watching it as we were too young even though it was blatantly still aimed at kids. Even pretend wrestling in the playground was banned and there’d always be rumours of some kid who broke his arm doing it anyway. It all felt very grown up/naughty haha

  7. Customised bomber jackets. I had one for years and it fell apart *just* as people started buying them and covering them in badges and patches. Closest I came to being cool.

  8. First half of primary school – Spice Girls. For a lot of folk of my age (especially women but some guys too, I’m sure), you’ll find they had a spice girl. The one they would always play as in school. Mine was Scary Spice – she had a tongue piercing so was obviously the coolest.

    Second half of primary school – Pokemon. I still remember my newbie mistake of trading a holographic Hitmonchan (or Hitmonlee? one of the punching ones) for some shitty regular card and only discovering my folly much later.

  9. The ghosts in the boys and girls toilets, each year group year 3 to year 6 had their own toilets

  10. We had finger skateboards and high school musical at my school. The skateboards got banned quite a few times because of the arguments but that didn’t stop people from sneaking them into school

  11. Grease. It was on the telly one weekend afternoon. At school on Monday, the entire junior school could talk of nothing else. With just that one watch ànd no DVDs or internet to refer to we had the songs and dance routines more or less patt by Friday.

  12. The Falklands War. Then after that it was ET/Tron/Back to the Future/Close Encounters/Ghostbusters/Beverly Hills Cop, etc.

  13. Crazy bones and beyblades were the ones we had at school, also had a synchronised English shirt disposal after the 2002 World Cup

  14. Star Wars ANH and ESP were huge, I also remember ET being a big deal.

    We also talked a lot about the Falklands War as a few kids had dads out there.

    And my kids school gets to go to a cinema twice a year to watch the latest thing. They need to test the fire alarms and evacuation procedures so use the school. In redfin return they’ll stick on the latest big kids film

  15. I didn’t go to primary school, I went to first and middle school which I think is roughly the same age range. Top Trumps, ninja turtles or hero turles as they were known back then were a late addition towards the end, possibly Micro Machines. We had to watch dirty dancing on every single school trip because the girls wanted it on, although I’m not sure The Terminator or Robocop would have gone down very well with the teachers. Most kids either just wandered around the school yard or played football, which is what seems to go on at my kids school too.

  16. I remember everyone talking about doctor who when the 10th doctor regenerated in the stolen earth. I also remember club penguin was very big.

  17. Not movies, but when I was in primary school, someone had a 256MB (yes, MB, not GB) USB flash drive (or pen drive as it was called back then). It was the coolest thing ever. We did not really know what to use it for but it felt like the guy had the most high tech stuff ever. It was around 2000 I think.

  18. ET, especially once a couple posh kids got a video and could rent it on tape.
    Marbles, French Elastic, then sticker swapping (ideally with ET).

  19. In Year 8 we were smuggling Game Boys in our blazer pockets in order to play the original Pokemon games in between (ahem, maybe during) lessons. I’m sure there’s a reason I didn’t pass all my exams…!!

  20. My kids classes are all about trading and talking about Pokemon cards right now. I love that Pokemon is coming back around for their generation.

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