Just got a big bonus at work and wondered what I could spend it on – that’s good for me.

First, I’m getting a nice set of organic bedding but what else?

  1. I got a promotion (plus money I saved) went from a Renault Clio to a Audi RS4 avant. Love it.

  2. Nice storage, like big bookcases, or getting a closet or garage built-in shelving. Having your life attractively organized gives a sense of peace and satisfaction.

  3. Expensive is relative, but I got a very good bean to cup coffee machine. I need a good cup of coffee in the morning.

  4. Get a nice electric bike. That’s what my dad would say as he believes E Bikes are the future 😂

  5. Kitchen gadgets. We got an air fryer and it’s used daily – it’s just amazing. Hands-down the best gadget we’ve ever had, followed closely by a soup maker (which also does smoothies etc). Couldn’t live without them now.

  6. If you haven’t got it already, Sonos systems are ace. Nice little treat for you, and you’ll wonder how you ever did without it. I tentatively bought the cheapest one for £169 about 6 years ago or something, now I own 8 of the things.

  7. We bought a king-size foam topped mattress a few years ago. I was 34 at the time and it was the first new (quality) mattress I’ve ever had. It has had a huge effect on the quality of my sleep.

    The next thing on the list is a new PC. I’ve had the same laptop for ten years and it was a midrange gaming machine when it was new. It’s now literally creaking and the boot time is unreal.

  8. Rain shower!!!
    I rent right now and we have one of those plasticky electric showers that have a handle and only let you spray yourself rather than take a proper shower, so I KNOW this will be the first thing I buy and install once I get myself a house.

  9. A roomba – beats having to spend ages vacuuming, getting the vacuum out, doing the work, putting it away again. Frees up so much time and effort. Game changer.

  10. A really good set of knives (e.g. Victorinox). I didn’t realise how blunt my knives at home were until I started working in butchery. Total game changer.

  11. I don’t have one. But I think a theromix would improve my life. I’d cook way more fresh stuff and try new stuff with it.

  12. A digital piano. If I had the space and the money I would have got a ‘real’ one, even a baby grand.

    Musical instruments are a real indulgence that you can get a lot of pleasure and value from if you play or want to play.

  13. I bought a luxury double sided faux fur throw for my large sofa.

    It was over £250 but has been used for 10 years and allowed for the heating to be significantly lower in the winter whilst being snuggly warm watching TV in the evenings.

    I estimate it’s saved us in heating over ten times its base cost.

    If you reduce your thermostat by 1 degree it typically saves around £100 off your energy bill. We run heating typically 2 degrees lower because of quality faux fur throws so that equates to £2000 saved over the 10 years we have done this and it’s still in tip top order for further future savings.

    Looks great, feels great, is great.

  14. A good quality robot hoover. I’m a big fan of eufy. Saves me loads of time, love seeing it pootle around in the morning.

  15. Decent Chef’s Knives make cooking so much easier.

    Well worth the money as they’ll last for a long time if you look after them.

  16. Will start off small.

    New socks £5

    Shakti mat £30

    Lumie light £100

    An ooni pizza oven £300-£500 or a mastertouch weber bbq £270-£470.

    Spa weekend away £500 – ££££££

    2 week Holiday to Mexico, Cuba etc £1700 – depends if you choose to go alone or not.

    3 month cruise, no idea on price, it also depends on how much you got as a bonus and also how much of it you want to spend.

  17. Philips DynamiQ PerfectCare Elite Plus (it’s an iron)
    No one enjoys ironing. This bosses through it in a fraction of the time.

    My recommendation; spend the money on something you interact with often. A top end mattress, good shoes, new shower or bath.

  18. Got one of those heated air dryer things that you put wet clothes on, saves me a FORTUNE when I can’t peg out.

  19. Things that improved my life:

    An igel mattress. Expensive, but it’s paid for itself in less pain and chiropractor appointments.

    A weighted blanket. It’s like being hugged to sleep without having to put up with Mr Mad’s body temperature of 3 million degrees.

    A robot vacuum. We have a deebot called Herbert. He’s such a good boy, keeping the cat hairs under control (but never let him run unsupervised, just incase one of the cats has brought up a hairball…)

    A slow cooker. Throw everything in before work in the morning and come home to dinner ready to dish out. Perfect.

    An electric recliner sofa. No longer having to choose between sitting back with dangling feet or feet on the ground and no back support (YMMV, especially if you’re not a short arse like me).

  20. As sad as it sounds, I got myself a Milwaukee packout toolbox set, cost a bit but it’s made my life so much simpler and easier taking my tools to and from my place of work each day.

    No more tools falling off my old trolley in the middle of roads, wrestling to make sure stuff doesn’t fall off. Saved my back so much pain too.

  21. I’m going to be the dull, sensible one here. If you have a mortgage or any debts at all start paying them off. All the things above sound wonderful but they are just things. Freedom from debt is the most profoundly liberating thing you can buy.

  22. A cleaner, as two full time professionals life was becoming work, eat, clean, chores and sleep.

    Now we actually have spare time! which is much more valuable to me than money.

  23. My whole bed situation is amazing and I love it. Superking, so me and the missus have space. Good quality mattress, nice and firm and memory foam not required. Tall fabric head board for sitting up before sleep and for relaxing weekend mornings. Highest thread count we could find for the sheet, pillow cases, and duvet cover. Feather duvet. Colour scheme of the bed, head board, sheets/cases/duvet cover matches the room. Bed is an ottoman and easily lifts up to reveal a fuckload of storage. Bedsheet is 100% tight 100% of the time due to sheet suspenders underneath, I cannot stress how luxurious that feels. They’re a gamechanger. Those and the size are the two most important things.

  24. I am also in the fortunate position of receiving an annual bonus (12k this year). Some of the things I’ve done in the past include;

    Shopping day – take a SO/friend to a good shopping centre or area and just buy whatever you like

    Wardrobe – arrange with John Lewis for a personal shopper. They’ll spend the day with you and help with styling etc

    Art – we have 6 paintings dotted around the house. Some original, some copies. Looking at beautiful art every day is more theraputic than I previously imagined (and also an investment).

    A party – if you’re a sociable type, hire a bar for an evening with decent live music and put 5k behind the bar. Invite all your favourite people, including those you haven’t seen for years. Memories last forever.

    Don’t forget to donate some to charity!

  25. Dishwasher. I live alone so can’t really justify it but I much prefer emptying the dishwasher than doing the dishes myself.

  26. My ebike. It’s replaced my car. I use it for solo sub 10 mile journeys, which are most of my journeys.

    It’s an opportunity for some daily movement. Not exerting my self as much as my regular bike, but still elevates my heart rate. Helps my mental and physical health. Saves me money on petrol.

    It wasn’t cheap, but I have seen nothing but gains since I got it.

  27. A car.

    3 extra free hours in a day when I need to go to the office. I’m not constantly tired anymore because of this. I can leave the house an go somewhere at any time I feel like without needing to carefully plan it or it taking a fairly big chunk out of the day. I love it.

  28. My KitchenAid stand mixer – was actually a gift but if I’d had the money I would have bought one. I’ve had it around 7 years now and it’s still going as strong as it was when I first got it. Obviously whether it improves your life or not depends on what kind of things you cook/bake, but I use it for cakes/icing/meringue/bread/pizza dough – saves a lot of arm work and also achieves things I would probably struggle to do by hand (swiss meringue buttercream, or American buttercream both really benefit from being done in a mixer. Plus I hate kneading pizza dough by hand as it’s so sticky). Also have an attachment to grind meat and make sausages which I’ve made use of, and takes up a bit less space than having separate gadgets for all of that.

    Also recently got a fantastic new mattress and super quilted mattress topper. Sleep has never been better 😍

  29. OLED TV. No going back. I started out with Plasma TVs 15 years ago, moved to OLED. Never did become comfortable with LED/LCD TVs and all their downsides after being around when CRT TVs were the norm.

  30. Invisalign

    Varicose vein removal

    Mole removal

    House plants x 7

    new phone

    new prescription glasses

    new sneakers

    4 basic black and white minimalist clothing items

    Donation to charity

    Bouquet of flowers for mums and nannas birthday

  31. A decent pair of walking shoes were a foot game-changer. Simply zero aching from walking ever.

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