When was a time your ex interfered, or attempted to interfere, after finding out you were in a new relationship?

  1. She got a bit jealous and complained to my mom, because she knew my mom. So I got a guilt trip, my mom did not care for my new girlfriend at all…. To be fair though the particular ex in question and I only dated for a really short period of time and I moved away / told her that I didn’t want to do long distance.

  2. An ex fiancée stalked me to find out where the new girl lived so she could stalk her to try to get her fired and to cause drama in the relationship to break us up since “I didn’t give her a good enough chance”.

  3. An ex contacted my girlfriend to tell her all the negative things about me. Some people aren’t happy until they make everyone else unhappy. Luckily my girlfriend saw right through it and asked my ex if she had thought about therapy…..

  4. I once had a new girlfriend call me to talk about my ex – years after I dated him. I was extremely confused and uncomfortable. It seemed like she was having serious difficulties in her relationship with him and was trying to, I dunno, talk through them with someone who had been there? I was like “I don’t know what to tell you. I dealt with his problems by breaking up with him.”

  5. I had a girlfriend that told me I would be great dad material, but she did not want me around while she was having a good time. Fine

    She would get in contact with me, send me a note etc., Just to make sure I was still around and she could keep playing her games. In the mean time – I dated, did what I want, had a great time etc., finally met my now wife. Still the old GF is still writing to me etc the whole time. Starts to open up a little about how she is having some issues.

    Apparently she was a nanny and well the borderlines of her job vs sleeping with the bosses husband got blurry, and well she got pregnant. Hoping I was still around etc.,

    I wrote back a note that stated if she got back into to town she should try to contact me. . . So she called the day after I left on my honeymoon. My mom was a bit confused until I told her the whole story, which she was stunned on by many levels. She also let the girl know I was off on my honeymoon and she was to late to catch me. . . .

    Which according to my mom – she did not take to well, until she realized I played her just as hard as she played me. The only other time she tried to contact me was through friends – they all told her the same thing – you snooze you loose and honey you lost.

  6. The day after I got married my ex messaged my wife and told her all kinds of lies. Saying I was a liar and cheater etc. I was honestly a little worried she might believe her, question me or be upset in general. She laughed at her and said nice try bitch he’s mine.

  7. Dated a girl at the office, we broke up, we still worked together and didn’t talk ever after our breakup. I ended up having sex with another girl there during the breakup. My ex put two and two together.

    My ex shared a few choice words to her, and the girl ended up quitting. Months after the incident, my ex and I got back together for about a year then broke up again. She still works there, we never speak unless through email if it’s absolutely necessary. NEVER shit where you sleep lol. Take my word for it.

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