When I meet people they think I’m extremely social and a great guy, with people I’m close to they all say the same thing but there’s sometimes a awkward in between faze especially with women. When I first meet someone small talk is easy I can have a conversation and keep it rolling on n the other hand once i know someone I know them well enough that chatting with them is easy. My problem is sometimes with new people after have my a few encounters with them idk what else to say after a while I’ve run out of my usual speel .if they start the conversation I can roll off it but the convo dies down and the silence drives me insane. Am I missing something. Actually writing this down gave me my answer. Maybe the reason I’m struggling is because the person they meet is my facade and not 100% the genuine me and I don’t know how to transition into my genuine self with new people. Just cause ik the problem doesn’t mean I could fix it so I am open to advice.

1 comment
  1. Listen to how other people talk to each other even if they’re already really good friends. Even in movies and shows to get ideas. Something I heard is act like they’re your friends and you’ll most likely become friends act like strangers and strangers you’ll stay

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