So I (20F) recently got cheated on my my boyfriend of two years. It was during the hardest time of my life as my grandpa has just passed away and we were super close. I blocked him on everything and will never see him again. I have started talking to new guys and this week I went on a date with a guy and we really hit it off and I stayed over at his place that night although we didn’t fully have sex. This guy doesn’t want anything serious and that’s totally okay but I feel like I get really easily attached to people especially after physical intimacy or them being super nice and acting loving and I don’t know how to overcome that so any advice would be appreciated 🙂

  1. Stay single for a while and don’t talk to guys that just want to sleep around because if you know you get attached easily, you will screw yourself over multiple times

  2. First of all, don’t date immediately after a breakup, you could have a better partner, but there is a higher chance you will find worst and hurt you more

    What you have to do is, mourn, look as if your boyfriend that you got the best memories of as dead, accept the fact that he died the moment he cheated, think hard about the pain and accept it and mature.

    A suggest activities like going at the gym, going out with friends and generally heal, (I always say don’t fall to the trap of party and hook ups, it fuck a lot with the brain).

    So when you see yourself as healed and matured enough, you can start dating, and learn from your errors and spot red flags.

  3. Don’t overcome it. Don’t try to be something that you are not. Be yourself. You are like most women. You get attached to guys you like and have sex with. Advice is to go out on dates prior to sleeping over and build up a connection before you get intimate. When guys say they are looking for something casual move on quickly. That means they don’t want a relationship with you.

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