hi all. just to jump straight into it, i’m a girl who has a fetish for other girls getting the hiccups.

it’s always been present in my life, but i only became conscious of it as what it was when i was 15/16. when i was first starting to have sex with my partners, i vowed to myself that i would never engage with my fetish in real life. however, i began to trust my previous partner enough to share my fetish with her. over time, we incorporated my fetish into sex and it was amazing… but as i embraced it more i began to realize that nothing turns me on like my fetish does. like nothing compares. i can enjoy “normal” sex but i really need hiccups to get to where it feels really good for me. eventually in that relationship due to my shame and other things i shut down sexually all together.

it’s isolating to have such an uncommon fetish and even more isolating that i can’t find anyone else like me. the hiccup fetish community as it stands now is filled with straight men who routinely violate consent in pursuit of the fetish. those are things i do not want to be associated with and just add to the underlying shame i already feel.

i’m kind of getting to the point where i want to just keep my fetish a secret forever. it feels impossible to find someone who would not find this weird and be willing to engage with me sexually in the way i need it. am i a freak? should i give up hope?

  1. Your fetish has become a proclivity. Sex slowly became dependent on your fetish. This is why a lot of people with fetishes date people with similar or the same fetishes. It will be enjoyed by everyone equally.

  2. I’m very sorry you feel this way and understandably so.

    this fetish ain’t going away. It may subside but it will always come back.

    given the community is as shit as you say it is I suspect your best course of action would be to find someone who isn’t ‘into it’ and introduce it into the bedroom as you have previously. There are heaps of good lovers that would definitely help with your kink in the bedroom without shame. I know this from experience in my kinks

    Are you a freak? Hell no. Is it weird? Yes but I would also say in fact it’s a pretty damn tame kink. since when is being weird a bad thing in the bedroom?

    I have a question coming from good faith only because I’m super curious: How do you incorporate it into sex?

  3. You are absolutely, completely fine. You aren’t a freak or a weirdo in any way. This is like legit a kinda adorable kink. Im sorry the hiccup fetish community is dominated by sexists, but that doesn’t reflect on you or mean your kink is intrinsically sexist or harmful. That’s one reason kink positivity and awareness are so important, because they establish healthy, consensual ways of practicing kink. You will definitely find someone (or even multiple someones!) who shares your interests. Uncommon/niche kinks are kinda cause there’s less established spaces for them, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t lots of other cool, healthy people out there for you to befriend!

    You are totally fine and have nothing to be ashamed of <:u)

  4. There’s nothing wrong with you! It sucks when the community for a kink/fetish is non-existent or rancid. Luckily, you’ve already found someone in the past who incorporated into your sex lives, I’m certain you can find another. If it was my partner I certainly would, even though I don’t personally get turned on by it.

  5. You’re not a freak, don’t give up hope, and embrace what turns you on and makes you special! Hell that’s kind of cool to be quite honest, I’d never heard of that fetish before.

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