Alright I know this might sound childish but I’m 14 y/o (gonna be a sophomore) and I’m trying to focus on myself by working out and all that fun stuff. I enjoy doing it by myself and have been doing it over the summer. My mom has taken it upon herself to try to sign me up for this basketball practice for my school because she thinks that i need to talk to people at my school over the summer, I have friends but I don’t really talk to them over the summer just cuz it’s too much effort. Anyway about the basketball practices I just generally don’t like the kids (ik childish) and want to be by myself over the summer. Is there any way I can convince her to not make me go to these kind of things or should I just suck it up?

Extra info if it’s needed (just in case ig): 6’1 Male and will be a sophomore next year.

TLDR: I want to workout/be by myself over the summer but my mom thinks i need to socialize so she signed me up for bball practices, how do I convince her to stop.

Also open to any advice if u think im being childish.

  1. It’s ok that you feel like you want to be by yourself and do your own thing. But tbh you’re only 14 and you really have your whole adulthood to be alone lol. Seriously though, I wish that I had maintained connections with way more people than I did. Plus, basketball is great exercise. if you’re interested in working out, that would definitely add to it. So real shit, I say go for it. Life is better outside your comfort zone

  2. Hi, let me say what my thoughts are on this.. Truth is you act childish because ‘you are still 14′ don’t get offended by it there’s nothing offensive in being childish that’s common at that age..

    And coming to basketball I would love to go to basketball training or practice with others if I were your height.. For me something above 6’ is a boon which I unfortunately miss so no doubt I would choose basketball anytime over workout because one can workout even after 20 but playing games at teen and adolescent age will have physical benefits as well as it can provide you good chances to play higher levels in future..

    And I find no reason to comment on your mom’s idea she is right make some good friends get better at socialising because I see thousands of people here in some subreddits only (donno figures in real world) striving hard to socialize and would regret why they not took interest in it in childhood

    These is my opinion it’s your wish though if you want to join or not or maybe do both

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