i’m a grown woman. sometimes i don’t like to fully shave down there because of ingrown hairs/razor burn. but i do it pretty often still.

however, men in general seem to prefer a woman’s crotch to be completely bald. why is that?? if you’re going down on her the hair won’t get near the clit/vagina since it’s all on the outside, and if it does, just push it away nbd. also, you won’t directly see or even feel the public hair during sex. you just fuck her vagina, away from the hair. so as long as it’s clean and free of smells, why does it matter so much?

it makes me feel weird whenever a guy wants me freshly shaved. like honey i’m not a teenager with a bald crotch area i’m a grown woman so i’ll have some hair down there. you’re not gonna be dealing with it a lot so unless i smell/taste bad or it’s choking you somehow then let me care for it how i see fit!

but men, i’d love your testimony on whether or not you prefer clean shaves or you don’t care either way

  1. My husband prefers a bush. When I shaved he prefered freshly shaved only because when he would go down on me, his said the stubble hurt.

  2. Clean shave, just gives an overall good feelin no matter what I am doing down there. It simply feels better for me personally.

  3. Not true. Everyone different. I have had all stages minus the brazilian and never really had a comment one way or another .

    Maybe your partners watch a lot of porn where everyone is super groomed . 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. I guess its a personal thing. Some like hair, others dont while going down. I like a small hairstripe or completely shaved when licking a pussy. A bush or sth doesnt interrupt while fucking, licking is different.

  5. It’s the smell.
    And the look.
    When you go down on a guy, do you want his smelly hairs getting in the way?

  6. I don’t really give a shit. In fact I actually prefer a little bit of hair up top, aesthetically speaking.

    It’s just a little annoying when you’re eating her out and you get a hair stuck to your tongue and you have to go *pftpftpftpftpsptpsrpftpt* like an idiot to get it off. So it’s nice if the vegetation’s not *too* excessive.

  7. Personally it depends I don’t want hair I’m my mouth but also don’t want stubbles poking me as well

  8. Just don’t like hair in my mouth. Do you like when he stops to get the hair out of his mouth. Or do you like hair in your mouth.

  9. i prefer shaved or trimmed because for me it just looks and feels better. It also gives a sense of hygiene to me. but everyone is different regarding these preferences

  10. You can be as hairy as you want to be, as long as it’s cleaned and maintained.

    Smell could be a dealbreaker, though, but thankfully I never had to deal with that.

  11. Would you rather lick sand paper or ice cream? It’s the smooth skin on skin sensation, that we like. Hair can ruin the sensory input. Plus the hair is what tends to make pussy smelly, by holding the smell. Hair just tends to absorb and hold odors.

  12. I don’t shave. If a man don’t like that I have hair down there he is welcome to not wanting to fuck me. But no one have ever declined. And if someone dosn’t wanna be in a relationship with someone who have hair then they aren’t for me either way.

    Find the men that like hair or that dosn’t care. Don’t do something you don’t like.

  13. I don’t have any experience but I imagine I’d be fine with anything if it isn’t too wild. If I go down I don’t want to bury my head too far inside a forest of hair but I wouldn’t mind bush to a certain extent (or a nice trim).

  14. Hi there, guy here! I think there are a number of reasons, but I feel the big one is that it’s just the fad at the moment. It’s what’s in porn and been imbedded in a modern guy’s fantasies. It doesn’t have anything really to do with making you appear younger or a teenager per se, but more of just what’s been ingrained.

    I personally like it either way to be honest. But I suppose having it shaved/waxed down there is great sometimes because it’s all smooth to the touch and just adds more to the tactical experience of it all. Additionally, having no hair down there does mean you both avoid getting pubic hair stuck in the back of their throat (which prevents whomever is giving you oral from coming across as a cat with a trapped hairball, hacking to try and get it out lol).

    But at the end of the day, it is your body. You have the final say of whether you’re clean-shaven or not.

  15. I stopped shaving and started to wax instead. It’s really not as bad as you think and it grows softer, doesn’t leave behind bumps and is much smoother.

  16. I don’t really care if it’s shaved as long as it’s kept neat. I keep myself trimmed and neat but that’s because if my wife is goin down on me I want it to look nice for her.

  17. Easier to go down on (can be hard to “just push it away” if it gets in your eyes/nose/mouth)

    Gives a better view

  18. It gives me more possibilities when performing oral sex. Like, with full bush I am limited mostly to clit and inner labia. You can kind of lick the outer labia and groin, but through the hair it is not as precise and they’re not as sensitive and with pubic mound it’s even more limited. Without hair it’s way more fun – I can lick all the parts, I can suck on them, I can move my lips all over the place without stopping. A bush isn’t by any means a showstopper, but it just makes it way less fun for both me and the woman.

  19. OK, to be honest, I tend to like variation down there, so I’m not sure if this answers your question, but I’ll try. Sorry if it gets long, by the way, I’m just typing as I think.

    For starters, the fully-shaved-all-the-time thing is mostly a porn thing — just like cumshots and gagging — that has passed into mainstream culture. A lot of men, especially new to sex, learn to expect that because that’s what they know. From my experience, I’d say the same for women; most I know expect a dude to be at least trimmed down there.

    For me, it’s one of those things that are nothing more than an extra touch, a detail really. Like a tattoo, or piercings, it’s a personal choice that adds spice to the person’s external appearance. Especially now that I’m slightly older, I wouldn’t give it a second thought, because I honestly don’t have a clear preference. My only practical consideration is oral, so it’s nice if she has taken care of the area that I’ll be tending to, but again, not a prerequisite or a deterrent.

    I’m currently in a long relationship, so this is one of the areas where we often ask each other for ‘favors’, and it works great for us. Neither will demand something, more like “hey babe, uhm I’m kinda in the mood for some vegetation down there”. Sometimes, the sight/taste/texture of a freshly-shaven pussy out of the shower is just too enticing. Other times, I love the raw, animalistic look and feel of an untamed bush, and I even actively involve it in the teasing stage. Most of the time, she has her labia shaven and the rest trimmed, and I can say I fucking love this the most, because I get the best from both worlds.

    In the end, like you said, it’s just *hair.* People can have their preferences, of course, but if it’s clean, it’s good. If you feel like this is what you want, you don’t need to defend your choice. If the other person wants to make a fuss about it, I don’t think sex would work with them, anyway. Like, you could always do it to please someone and make them smile, but the kind of person who would ‘deserve’ this kind of special attention would be respectful of your original choice, as long as you two communicated well enough.

  20. I like a neat hairy bush visually, can even get me wildly horny. But not in my mouth, as I only like to go down on a clean cut pussy.

  21. as someone who prefers it to be clean shaven…. i dont actually mind any! just prefer the feel and aesthetics of clean shaven. but i believe it stems from my own body insecurities. im a pretty hairy guy and absolutely HATE it! my wife knows my preference but i would never force it upon her and i like all pussy whether its clean shaven or not. i just have to be honest and say i prefer it clean shaven. i like the fact that i cant feel the hair and softness of the area around it without hair. again no big deal if there is hair there either. i know my wife doesnt like to completely shave and its entirely her choice. sometimes she will and sometimes she wont and sometimes it will be something in between. all god with me 🙂

  22. I think it’s an extension of the armpit and leg hair must be removed thing

    But personally, as long as it’s not a welcome to the jungle scene, it’s all good. And honestly, that’s not even a huge deal

  23. Probably unexpected answer: I love to have a clear look on the V and the C and all around. For penetrating i Dont care the hair, for eating i prefer shaved or stumbles But if you’d ask me to make a draw of your pussy: I will make a great painting. But the hair decides if it’s masterpiece or a Picasso

  24. My preference is trimmed. Not shaved bare, and not overgrown either. Manicured.

    But trimming takes effort and time. More effort and time than a lot of people are willing to spare. So if then given the choice between overgrown and bald, I’d prefer bald.

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